in the film we saw this briefcase with dinosaur DNA in it with species like allosaurs,brachiosaurus , Carnotaurus and other dinosaur DNA.
in the film we saw this briefcase with dinosaur DNA in it with species like allosaurs,brachiosaurus , Carnotaurus and other dinosaur DNA.
I'm confused, where are you getting that it's Dreadnoughtus?
I can see “Drea” in the beginning, so it might be Dreadnoughtus (which is a giant sauropod by the way), and it is the only dinosaur that start with D to have the word “Drea” in the beginning, from what I can see on the Internet, so that might be a Dreadnoughtus embryo (and we might see Dreadnoughtus in Jurassic World III).
it is just some one's theory of what dinosaur DNA is in the cases so maybe the Dreadnaughts might appear in Jurassic world 3 like Dinosaurs1 said.
Also, if this is indeed Dreadnoughtus, it would be one of those illegally cloned dinosaurs. But I would wonder why they would clone another sauropod that is as big as Brachiosaurus, though...
Getting my hopes up for Giganotosaurus and Postosuchus!
The names are in the wrong place.
Dreadnoughhtus. Hmmm I think it might actually say Dimorphodon or something that starts wuth a D.
Auctually, if you look very closely, you can see something that starts with D, bu then see a “E-A” at the end. Also, if you look very VERY closely, you can see the R.
I managed to get a look at it, and I am assuming it is Dreadnoughtus, although that could be another animal that starts with “Drea” (even though from looking up the internet, Dreadnoughtus is the only dinosaur that starts with “Drea”).
Also, no, the names aren’t in the wrong place, you can clearly see “Allosaurus” where it is.
I was going to say Allosaurus is the only one in the right place. Also, all of them except the Brachiosaurus. It's Tyrannosaurus rex not Brachiosaurus. There's a T not a B.
The ‘T’ is a little too blurry, so I can’t see it.