A Crichtonsaurus in the mountains. I love this shot with the sunrise in the background.
Atrociraptors fighting. This happened in my Sierra Nevada park, where the map has the strangest color grading known to man.
Albertosaurus flipping a goat like it's a pancake. This was also in Sierra Nevada.
Sinosauropteryx fighting. In case you couldn't tell, this is not in Sierra Nevada.
A Baryonyx in the shadow of the forest. This was my first Baryonyx in a park since the campaign, as my favorite spinosaurid in the game is Suchomimus.
Not a very good screenshot of a Ceratosaurus. Don't worry, there are better ones down the line.
Australovenator hunting a goat. I really like the Australovenator's hunting animation where it rolls over, so hopefully I'll get a screenshot of that sometime.
Baryonyx fighting. I didn't play around with the scenery in this shot as much as I should have, so they are just in an open field.
Another sub-par screenshot of a Ceratosaurus, arguably worse than the last. This is a view from one of the hotels, and about as good as it gets.
I feel like I owe you a good screenshot of Ceratosaurus, so here's the best one I got.
Nasutoceratops fighting. These ones have some pretty cool patterns, too.
Dracorex about to hit a tree. It isn't really going to hit the tree, it's fighting with the blue one on the right.
A Polacanthus. This is one of my favorite dinosaurs in the game.
Nasutoceratops. This one also has some nice patterns. Maybe I'm just a fan of the skins.
2 Ceratosaurus. We peaked earlier with Ceratosaurus screenshots, as you can see this one isn't as good as the other one.
Or maybe not. This hunting screenshot is also a good one.
A Dilophosaurus during night. It took me a while to discover capture mode, so my first screenshots were in first-person mode. I still use that today, as you can see in this screenshot.
Nasutoceratops socializing. I like the animation where one bites the other's horn. These are the same ones that are fighting in the above screenshot.
Dryosaurus socializing. I think these are some of the cutest dinosaurs in the game, though not on Homalocephale's level.
A pair of Parasaurolophus. I didn't know before this that dinosaurs could socialize with others that far away.
Nodosaurus either fighting or socializing. You can see a Dryosaurus in the background.
A group of Dimetrodons. I like having forest clearings so you can see the animals better, though obviously you can't make the forests too clear or you end up with screenshots like the one of Baryonyx fighting.
Dracorex fighting. This happened too often.
Baryonyx eating. It took multiple tries to get this screenshot, but the result turned out to not be satisfying, at least for me.
Deinocheirus on a mountain. This is in Yosemite, on a very tall mountain that I made using the terrain tools. Deinocheirus is the only dinosaur that has been able to get up to this altitude, one that even the Quetzalcoatlus couldn't reach, making it my best mountaineer.
Deinocheirus and Yutyrannus. I like the orange skin on the Yutyrannus that's further away from the camera.
Styracosaurus on a riverbank. This screenshot is simple, but I consider it one of my best. Since this was in the alpine biome without deciduous trees, I used the gingko trees as forest. It only works if you have comfort turned off.
Deinocheirus and Pyroraptor. The orange Deinocheirus is working its way up to the top of the mountain, leading to the screenshot from earlier.
Indoraptor over the dead body of a Yutyrannus. I did this just to check out the Indoraptor's kill animations.
A pair of Yutyrannus. I think this color pairing looks good, but I don't like the purple skin on its own. Personal opinion, but I don't think purple looks good on dinosaurs.
Deinocheirus walking across a lake. By now, you guys probably know that I love reflection screenshots.
This one's also a good one, but the next one knocked my socks off.
For me, this scene was love at first sight. As soon as the Sinosauropteryx walked along the lakeshore, I knew I had to get this screenshot. Don't worry though, I saved the best for last.
And there it is. This is by far my most unique screenshot, and I love the contrast between the Yutyrannus's dark body and the sunset in the background.
Now, time for a whole gallery of screenshots of my favorite dinosaur in the game, Therizinosaurus.
Therizinosaurus in a forest with other theropods. The orange ones are Herrerasaurus, and in the background you can see a group of Suchomimus lumbering along.
Aww, they really do love each other. This is a screenshot of Auburn (top right) and Coco (bottom). These two like to hang out together.
This Therizinosaurus climbed up the mountain almost as high as the Deinocheirus.
Therizinosaurus Socializing. This is the other pair of Therizinosaurus in this environment. The purple one is Becca, and the brown one is Zachariah.
Here, we have a screenshot of Coco sleeping and Becca walking behind. You can see just how tall the mountain is. I considered making it taller, but I didn't have time.
Another screenshot of Auburn and Coco.
Therizinosaurus in my Canada park (the other two were in Yosemite). This screenshot shows you how much elevation can do for your park, since you can see the aviary in the background.
A screenshot of Becca and Zachariah on the mountain. Not many dinosaurs go up there, but when they do, I make sure to get a screenshot.
Coco and Auburn together again, looking at something out of the frame. I didn't look to see what it was, but it must have been interesting if both of them are looking.
Here at the DFW, we definitely don't commit acts of animal cruelty.
And don't get any crazy ideas that the meat is made from Sinosauropteryx.