Dr. "Mia" Everett was a computational geneticist (voiced by Laura Bailey) who worked for Dr. Henry Wu on a top secret Behavioral Genomics project working on Velociraptors from 2012 until the fall of Jurassic World in the N.M.S. Genetics Centre in Jurassic World: Aftermath. In 2017, she helped Sam, a silent security expert, find his way throughout the island after their plane crashed.
During the game, she mentions that Residence was the place where she presumably spent her late twenties entirely. If she was 30 during the events of Aftermath, it is possible that she witnessed the San Diego Incident and other InGen-related events and revelations, which most likely led to her developing an interest in genetics.
Under Dr. Wu's supervision, she oversaw the creation of 3 highly genetically-tampered Velociraptors, one of whom was highly social due to the high levels of a hormone in its body. During this time, the existence of these Velociraptors was hidden from both the public and several park workers, including Vic Hoskins and Owen Grady.
Before the Indominus rex broke out, she had an argument with Wu, and both of them parted ways. During the fall of Jurassic World, Mia, alongside other personnel on the island, evacuated the park.
Two years later, in 2017, she returned to Isla Nublar with Sam to find old audio recordings from her time working in the Behavioral Genomics project. It is implied that she had some sort of relationship between Sam and herself, as she didn't want to leave him when the Pteranodons attacked the plane. After their plane crashed and the island's resident Tyrannosaurus rex ate the pilot, she directed Sam via radio comms from the Sibo-West bunker. After unsuccessfully failing to fix the satellite in the Comms Tower, she directed Sam to bring back the power so she could call someone at Lockwood Manor. There, Wu answers and tells her that Nublar is under UN quarantine and that "his hands are tied". But after managing to convince Wu that she will "get the genome", he agrees to help her and Sam if she "gets everything". After Sam gets the raptor genome, Mia loses power in the bunker. After trying to get it back on, she gets ambushed by Velociraptors. After Sam gets on a call with Wu, he tells her that they need "further compensation" (Blue's DNA). She agrees. Before even getting outside, Sam gets ambushed by Velociraptors, who he manages to fend off by hiding in a safe room. Mia manages to survive the ambush, and Sam successfully manages to retrieve Blue’s genome. Later on, there is a big explosion on Isla Nublar, knocking out Sam and killing Mia.