Jurassic Park Wiki

Arctovasilas is a genetically modified mammal/turtle/dinosaur hybrid of Arctalces and Testacornibus, exclusive to the game Jurassic World: Alive.


Jurassic World: Alive[]

see Arctovasilas/JW: A

Arctovasilas is a wild card apex ultrahybrid, consisting of Arctalces and Testacornibus. It is the eigth apex in Jurassic World: Alive, but is specifically the first fusible apex creature in the game.


  • The name for the hybrid type (Hybrid + Superhybrid) has not yet been revealed by Ludia, but fans have taken to calling them Ultrahybrids, and more popularly, Megahybrids.
  • As it is required to be fused, Arctovasilas is the only Apex creature in which is not a raid creature, nor can be acquired through the newly overhauled campaign mode.

