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Jurassic Park Wiki

Ardontosaurus is a Fierce + Resilient Legendary hybrid in Jurassic World: Alive that was added in update 1.7.25.

Ardontosaurus jwa by mastersaurus dde0ye6-pre


Ardontosaurus requires 200 DNA to create.

How To Make[]

Creature 1 DNA Cost Creature 2 DNA Cost Coin Cost Creates:


Lv. 15



Lv. 15

50 200


Lv. 16

Ardontosaurus Icon JWA

Possible Hybrids[]

Creature 1 DNA Cost Creature 2 DNA Cost Coin Cost Creates:


Lv. 20

Brachiosaurus Icon JWA


Lv. 20

Ardontosaurus Icon JWA
50 1,000


Lv. 21

Ardentismaxima Icon (2

Where To Find[]

  • Events - Keep an eye on the Weekly Calendar for Events that award this DNA.


Level Health Damage Speed Armor Critical Chance DNA to next Level Coins to next Level
16 2,762 920 108 0% 20% 100 15,000
17 2,900 966 108 0% 20% 150 20,000
18 3,045 1,015 108 0% 20% 200 30,000
19 3,198 1,066 108 0% 20% 250 40,000
20 3,357 1,119 108 0% 20% 300 50,000
21 3,525 1,175 108 0% 20% 350 60,000
22 3,702 1,234 108 0% 20% 400 70,000
23 3,887 1,295 108 0% 20% 500 80,000
24 4,081 1,360 108 0% 20% 750 90,000
25 4,285 1,428 108 0% 20% 1,000 100,000
26 4,500 1,500 108 0% 20% 1,250 120,000
27 4,725 1,574 108 0% 20% 1,500 150,000
28 4,961 1,653 108 0% 20% 2,000 200,000
29 5,209 1,736 108 0% 20% 2,500 250,000
30 5,469 1,823 108 0% 20% Max Max


Icon Ability Effect Target Cooldown Delay
Fierce Strike Icon
Fierce Strike

Self: Cleanse Vulnerable.

Target: Remove Taunt, remove Shields. Attack 1x, bypassing Armor.

Lowest HP N/A N/A
Group Decelerating Impact Icon
Group Decelerating Impact Target: Reduce speed 50%, lasting 2 turns. Attack 1.5x. All opponents 2 N/A
Taunt Shattering Rampage
Taunt Shattering Rampage

Self: Taunt, lasting 1 turn.

Target: Remove Taunt and Shields. Attack 2x, bypassing Armor.

Highest HP 2 1
Instant Invincibility Taunt
Instant Invincibility Taunt


Self: 100% Shields for 4 attacks, lasting this turn. Taunt, lasting 1 turn.

Self 2 1


Icon Resistance Effect
Stun 100% Icon
Stun This creature's turn cannot be lost to Stun.
Swap Prevention 75% Icon
Swap Prevention The chance of an opponent stopping this creature from swapping out is reduced.
Taunt 75% Icon
Taunt This creature has a chance to attack an opponent other than the one with Taunt active.
Distraction 50% Icon
Distraction Damage dealt by this creature is less reduced by Distraction.
Vulnerable 50% Icon
Vulnerable This creature receives less additional damage while Vulnerable.
Speed Decrease 100% Icon
Speed Decrease This creature's speed cannot be reduced.
Crit Reduction 100% Icon
Crit Reduction This creature's chance to deal a Critical Hit cannot be reduced.

About This Creature[]

Some dinosaur trainers compare the Ardontosaurus to a gigantic marine iguana. This sauropod hybrid's long neck and narrow skull is expertly adapted to foraging on marsh grass and underwater weeds. The creature's sail also makes it an excellent sun-bather, allowing it to stay warmer while feeding longer than other creatures its size!
