Jurassic Park Wiki
JWE Baryonyx

Baryonyx is an unlockable dinosaur in Jurassic World Evolution added in the Fallen Kingdom DLC.


Baryonyx fossils are unlocked once the player achieves a high enough rating with the Security Division on Isla Muerta.

Base Stats (at 100% Genome)[]

Attack 79
Defense 30
Lifespan 56
Resilience 34
Rating 137
Incubation Cost $742,000

Dig Sites[]

  • Isle of Wight
  • Smokejack Clay Pit


  • Alpine Pattern
  • Tundra Pattern
  • Rainforest Pattern
  • Steppe Pattern
  • Coastal Pattern


Baryonyx has 9 Gap ID slots to modify.

  1. Cosmetic
  2. Resilience
  3. Attack
  4. Habitat
  5. Attack
  6. Stress
  7. Lifespan
  8. Social
  9. Attack



Baryonyx is a medium sized spinosaurid that eats large amounts of meat from any source.
They are normally solitary, but can exist in pairs, and alongside a modest number of dinosaurs from other species.
Their territories should comprise of good sized grassland with little forest cover.


Large Carnivore

Health Requirement[]

Appetite 94
Metabolism 2.48

Comfort Requirement[]

Comfort Threshold 70%
Grassland 7968 m2
Forest 504 m2
Wetland 2868 m2
Ideal Population 0 - 16
Social Group 0 - 2


Susceptible Rabies
Immune Braken Poisoning

InGen Database[]


Era Early Cretaceous
Family Spinosauridae
Genus Baryonyx
Height 3.0 m
Weight 1 T
Length 9.3 m
Feeder Type Carnivore, Live Bait and Fish


Baryonyx was a large spinosaurid dinosaur. Its name means 'Heavy Claw', based on the animals very large claw on its first finger.
Fossil evidence shows both fish scales and juvenile Iguanodon bones in the stomach region, suggesting that Baryonyx was a very capable predator of fish, but also an effective scavenger of carcasses.


An almost complete specimen was discovered in 1983 in Surrey, England. Subsequent teeth and bones have been found on the Isle of Wight, and in areas of Spain and Portugal.


With skull and jaw features similar to modern day gharials, Baryonyx would likely have spent much of the day in or around lakes, lagoons and river deltas as an opportunistic predator. This would help it avoid competition for food with large terrestrial based therapods.

