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Camptosaurus is an ornithopod dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Jurassic period.

First discovered in 1877, there have been more than 20 skulls and 12 skeletons found to date of this dinosaur. This leads scientists to think of it as a fairly common plant-eater of the last part of the Jurassic and the first part of the Cretaceous. It belongs to the same family as Iguanodon, although it was an earlier dinosaur.

There is ongoing debate regarding the various specimens currently attributed to the genus Camptosaurus. Some scientists believe that a number of the species should be renamed after the type specimen and that their differences are simply individual variation. There have been a number of dinosaurs that were originally classified as Camptosaurus, including an Allosaurus species.[1]

Wikipedia has a more detailed and comprehensive article on Camptosaurus


Jurassic World[]

Isla Nublar Incident (2015)[]

Camptosaurus doesn't seem to be one of the dinosaurs recreated by InGen, but its name is on the name tag of a Jurassic World employee named James. It is unknown if other employees share this title or if it is exclusive to him, or if Camptosaurus was cloned by Masrani for exhibition at Jurassic World.


