Jurassic Park Wiki

Jurassic This category lists all the Jurassic animals in Jurassic World: The Game, including Jurassic hybrids. These are also often referred to in the game as Land animals, they are the most common creature type used in battles and tournaments. The class types and advantages are as follows:

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Land Type Chart

  • Carnivore Carnivores are strong against Herbivores, but weak against Amphibians.
  • Herbivore Herbivores are strong against Pterosaurs, but weak against Carnivores.
  • Pterosaur Pterosaurs are strong against Amphibians, but weak against Herbivores.
  • Amphibian Amphibians are strong against Carnivores, but weak against Pterosaurs.

Also see: Jurassic World: The Game/Jurassic Max Stats

All items (115)
