Jurassic Park Wiki

Cymbospondylus was a primitive ichthyosaur from the Triassic Period. It was one of the larger members of the family, with the largest individuals approaching 20-33 feet in length. Despite the fact that the name ichthyosaur literally means "fish reptile", Cymbospondylus did not look as fish-like as some of its more advanced relatives, and bore more of a superficial resemblance to the unrelated mosasaurs. It was likely the apex predator of the shallow offshore reefs and sandbars that it occupied 230 million years ago.

Wikipedia has a more detailed and comprehensive article on Cymbospondylus

Jurassic Park franchise[]

Cymbospondylus doesn't appear in any movies or novels.


Jurassic Park III: Park Builder[]

Cymbospondylus is number 122 of the Carnivore Threes that can be created in Jurassic Park III: Park Builder.

