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Jurassic Park Wiki

Diloracheirus is a Cunning Unique superhybrid in Jurassic World: Alive that was added on update 1.4.11.

JWA PressKit Diloracheirus


Diloracheirus requires 250 to create.

How To Make[]

Creature 1 DNA Cost Creature 2 DNA Cost Coin Cost Creates:


Lv. 20

Deinocheirus Icon JWA


Lv. 20

Diloranosaurus Icon (2
50 1,000


Lv. 21

Diloracheirus Icon (2

Where To Find[]

  • Events - Keep an eye on the Weekly Calendar for Events that award this DNA.


Level Health Damage Speed Armor Critical Chance DNA to next Level Coins to next Level
21 3,408 1,175 124 0% 5% 100 60,000
22 3,578 1,234 124 0% 5% 150 70,000
23 3,757 1,295 124 0% 5% 200 80,000
24 3,945 1,360 124 0% 5% 250 90,000
25 4,142 1,428 124 0% 5% 300 100,000
26 4,350 1,500 124 0% 5% 350 120,000
27 4,567 1,574 124 0% 5% 400 150,000
28 4,795 1,653 124 0% 5% 500 200,000
29 5,035 1,736 124 0% 5% 750 250,000
30 5,287 1,823 124 0% 5% Max Max


Icon Ability Effect Target Cooldown
Cunning Strike Icon
Cunning Strike

Self: Cleanse DoT.

Target: Remove Critical Increase and Attack Increase. Reduce Critical Chance 100% and reduce damage 50% for 2 attacks, lasting 1 turn. Attack 1x.

Lowest HP N/A
Cunning Impact
Cunning Impact

Self: Cleanse DoT.

Target: Remove Critical Increase and Attack Increase. Reduce Critical Chance 100% and reduce damage 50% for 2 attacks, lasting 1 turn. Attack 1.5x.

Highest damage 1
Lesser Group Heal Icon
Lesser Group Heal Team: Cleanse, Heal 1x. Team 2
Greater Emergency Heal Icon
Greater Emergency Heal


Target: Cleanse, Heal 2x.

Lowest HP Teammate 2


Icon Resistance Effect
Stun 100% Icon
Stun This creature's turn cannot be lost to Stun.
DOT 100% Icon
DOT Damage Over Time cannot be applied against this creature.

About This Creature[]

While researchers were expecting the Diloracheirus to bear the Dilophosaurus's trademark frill, this superhybrid instead sports a sharp spinal sail. The stripes on the sail suggest it may be able to change color like the modern chameleon, but this is so-far unobserved by scientists.

