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Jurassic Park: Genesis[]

In Jurassic Park: Genesis, Donald Gennaro is a lawyer who is invited, twice, to visit the still under construction facilities of Jurassic Park. He constantly seems unimpressed with what he is seeing during the production of the Park. Even the birth of the park’s first living dinosaur leaves him unimpressed.

Jurassic Park Movie Adaptation I[]

Like the film in which the comic is based off, Donald Gennaro visits the Mano de Dios amber mine in the Dominican Republic to talk with Benito over the the fate of the park regarding the fatal attack on the park worker. Unlike the film, however, he shows at least some level of interest towards the finding of the new mosquito in amber.

Later we see him accompanying Dr. Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler and Ian Malcolm on their tour of the park, Donald notes on numerous occasions how the impressions of those seeing the Park (both the doctors and himself) affect the fate of Jurassic Park. Ultimately, when the fences are de-powered and the Tyrannosaurus rex escapes, Gennaro abandons John Hammond’s grandchildren, Tim and Alexis, and cowers in a nearby toilet facility.

Eventually, the T. rex proceeds to eat him after it shatters the facility.
