Jurassic Park Wiki

Eremotherium is a Cunning Common creature in Jurassic World: Alive that was added in update 2.1.


Eremotherium requires 50 DNA to create.

Possible Hybrids[]

Creature 1 DNA Cost Creature 2 DNA Cost Coin Cost Creates:
Eremotherium Lv. 15
Eremotherium Icon

500 Eucladoceros Lv. 15
Eucladoceros Icon JWA

50 200 Eremoeros Lv. 16
Eremoceros Icon

Where To Find[]

  • Map - Specific Zones (Area 3 - Local): Day


Level Health Damage Speed Armor Critical Chance DNA to next Level Coins to next Level
1 930 295 102 0% 5% 100 5
2 976 310 102 0% 5% 150 10
3 1,025 325 102 0% 5% 200 25
4 1,076 341 102 0% 5% 250 50
5 1,130 358 102 0% 5% 300 100
6 1,187 376 102 0% 5% 350 200
7 1,246 395 102 0% 5% 400 400
8 1,308 415 102 0% 5% 500 600
9 1,374 436 102 0% 5% 750 800
10 1,443 458 102 0% 5% 1,000 1,000
11 1,515 480 102 0% 5% 1,250 2,000
12 1,591 505 102 0% 5% 1,500 4,000
13 1,670 530 102 0% 5% 2,000 6,000
14 1,753 556 102 0% 5% 2,500 8,000
15 1,841 584 102 0% 5% 3,000 10,000
16 1,933 613 102 0% 5% 3,500 15,000
17 2,030 644 102 0% 5% 4,000 20,000
18 2,131 676 102 0% 5% 5,000 30,000
19 2,238 710 102 0% 5% 7,500 40,000
20 2,350 746 102 0% 5% 10,000 50,000
21 2,468 783 102 0% 5% 12,500 60,000
22 2,591 822 102 0% 5% 15,000 70,000
23 2,720 863 102 0% 5% 20,000 80,000
24 2,857 906 102 0% 5% 25,000 90,000
25 3,000 952 102 0% 5% 30,000 100,000
26 3,150 1,000 102 0% 5% 35,000 120,000
27 3,307 1,050 102 0% 5% 40,000 150,000
28 3,472 1,102 102 0% 5% 50,000 200,000
29 3,646 1,157 102 0% 5% 75,000 250,000
30 3,828 1,215 102 0% 5% Max Max


Icon Ability Effect Target Cooldown Delay
Camouflage Icon


Self: 75% chance to Dodge 67% of damage for 2 attacks, lasting 2 turns. Increase speed 30%, lasting 2 turns.

Target: Distract 50% for 2 attacks, lasting 1 turn.

Highest damage N/A N/A
Cunning Rampage Icon
Cunning Rampage

Self: Cleanse DoT.

Target: Remove Critical Increase and Attack Increase. Reduce Critical Chance 100% and reduce damage 50% for 2 attacks, lasting 1 turn. Attack 1x.

Highest damage 1 1
Counter Attack Icon
Maximal Counter-Attack Target: After receiving and surviving damage, attack 0.25x. Attacker N/A N/A

About This Creature[]

Eremotherium was 19 feet long and stood 13 feet tall, making it one of the largest sloths to ever exist. Unlike most ancient sloths, Eremotherium fossils have been excavated in both North and South America, giving it the nickname "Panamerican Ground Sloth".
