Jurassic Park Wiki
Forums: Index > Fossil Fuels > Velociraptor giganticus

Jhayk' Sulliy renamed our article Velociraptor mongoliensis to Velociraptor giganticus. Claiming the novel raptors resembled the Achillobator giganticus.

From forum:

"In the map at the beginning of The Lost World novel we get a picture of the Raptors in the novel. Underneath every dinosaur is the length measurement. The raptor is described as 6ft long there."

"in text it's described as 6ft tall. If the JP novel raptors were 6ft tall and 6ft long, then they'd be a square. That image is not of a square animal."
  • Novel bundle, page 118: head 2 feet tall
  • Novel bundle, page 119: 6 feet tall
  • Novel bundle, page 329: Tim first sees the raptor in the restaurant. Raptor is 6 feet (1.80) tall.
  • Lost World novel map: 6 feet long
  • Novel bundle, page 627: 6 feet tall bodies.

English isn't my native language. But can't "tall" also mean length? I find it very strange that if there is a pack of 6 meter long creatures, only their 2 meter height.

MismeretMonk (talk) 00:13, November 17, 2012 (UTC)
