Jurassic Park Wiki

Italy, officially the Italian Republic, is a country located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea in Southern Europe. The country’s capital is Rome and in the nation's north is the Dolomite Mountains where the Biosyn Sanctuary and Research Facility reside.

On the website Dinotracker.com there includes two dinosaur sightings in Italy: one is of a Compsognathus in Rome and the other is an Allosaurus sighting in Santa Croce Camerina, Sicily.[1]

Wikipedia has a more detailed and comprehensive article on Italy.


Jurassic World: Dominion[]

Italy is the main location of the Biosyn Sanctuary and its Research Facility, precisely in the Dolomite Mountains. By some point in 2022, a population of Allosaurus and Compsognathus resided within Italy. According to Dinotracker, a Compsognathus was sighted in Rome and an Allosaurus was sighted in Santa Croce Camerina, Sicily.


