Jurassic Park Wiki

Jurassic World: Clash Edition is the first wave to not be based on a movie or show and is also the first wave to have two series. This series also introduced some new dinosaurs and also reused many more from the Original Edition line.


This was the first series to really have a plethora of options, and this time the regular eggs actually have black shells which is a new change to pace from the regular green ones. The normal option is of course the regular eggs which contain a dinosaur, slime, battle token, and a collector's guide. The second option is the three pack which included three regular eggs and inside one was a guaranteed metallic dinosaur. The third option was called the "Mega Surprise Egg," and included three regular eggs, an exclusive Zoom Rider (Varys with Blue or Trex), a map game that includes some dice, one mini collector case, and a sticker sheet. The hardest to get option was a large influencer box that included 11 eggs, one "Mega Surprise Egg," and two Zoom Riders. One last item to mention, although it didn't include an egg, was the collector's case which had multiple little areas with biomes behind them to store your dinosaurs. This case also came with an exclusive Golden Indominus rex which could not be found in any of the eggs. Another fact about this case is that there was another version released that included everything the original had but had an additional three eggs included, this was named the "Ultimate Collector Pack."

Dinosaurs (Wave 1)[]

In this wave there are four rarities which include: common, rare, ultra rare, and limited edition. This wave is mostly made up of rereleases and repaints but there are some unique species included.



Ultra Rare[]

Limited Edition[]

Dinosaurs (Wave 2)[]

In this wave we received unique dinosaur molds, although still a few rereleases and recolors. There are four rarities like the last series which includes: common, rare, ultra rare, and limited edition.



Ultra Rare[]

Limited Edition[]

