Jurassic World: Micro Collection is a small series made by Mattel that was distributed to low costing stores such as Dollar Tree or 5 Bellow. There has been a few releases and many figures repackaged.
Tyrannosaurus rex[]
The Tyrannosaurus rex figure has been repacked multiple times and was one of the first micro collection figures released. This figure has a green color scheme and is seen standing on a rock pile which becomes a common trend among the figures and also retailed for $1.00.
Velociraptor Blue[]
The Velociraptor Blue figure is one of the first figures released and has been repacked multiple times and has even gotten a new sculpt later down the line. This figure obviously has a design replicating Blue from the Jurassic World movies and retailed for $1.00.
The Dimetrodon figure is one of the first figures to be released and has not been repackaged besides from a set of figures in one box. This figure is based on the Dino Rivals Dimetrodons paint scheme and has a retail price of $1.00.
The Triceratops figure is one of the first figures to be released and has been repackaged many times. This figure has a tan color scheme with hints of red on it and retailed for a price of $1.00.
The Stegosaurus figure is one of the first figures to be released and has been repackaged but when these figures first released it was thought to be exclusive to a figure pack until it got released on its own a few weeks later. This figure has a green color scheme along with dark green plates and retailed for $1.00.
The Carnotaurus figure was released as a second wave of figures and has not been repackaged aside from a figure set. This figure has the typical red and dark red Carnotaurus color scheme and retailed for $1.00.
Indominus rex[]
The Indominus rex was released as a second wave figure like the Carnotaurus and has not been repacked aside from a figure set. This figure is obviously based on the Indominus rex from the Jurassic World films and retailed for $1.00.
The Ankylosaurus figure was released as a second wave figure and has been repacked later down the line. This figure, even though its not stated, is obviously based on Bumpy and retailed for $1.00.
The Therizinosaurus was released for Jurassic World Dominion and represents one of the main dinosaurs featured in the film. This has a great paint job which has several paints and retailed for $1.00.
The Giganotosaurus was released for Jurassic World Dominion and represents one of the main dinosaurs featured in the film. This is based on the Giganotosaurus pain scheme in the film and retailed for $1.00.
The Atrociraptor was released for Jurassic World Dominion and represents Tiger the Atrociraptor.
The Pyroraptor was released for Jurassic World Dominion and represents one of the main dinosaurs in the film. This figure is based on the Pyroraptor in the film and retailed for $1.00.
Jurassic World 5 Pack[]
This 5 packs of Jurassic World figures contains the Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor Blue, Dimetrodon, Triceratops, and Stegosaurus. This package retailed for $10.00 and had no exclusive figures.
Jurassic World Dominion 5 Pack[]
This 5 pack was released to promote the Jurassic World Dominion film and contains the Ankylosaurus, Carnotaurus, Stegosaurus, Indominus rex, and Tyrannosaurus rex. This contains no exclusive figures and retailed for $10.00.
Micro Collection Playset[]
This playset is one of the best sets in the series and was released for Jurassic World Dominion. This set contains a playset area, gyrosphere, and a remodeled Blue figure and retailed for $5.00.