Jurassic Park Wiki
"Evacuate the island."
Owen Grady(src)

The Jurassic World Incident is the second catastrophe to impact Isla Nublar and the Jurassic Park project. With the creation of a hybrid dinosaur called the Indominus rex by the genetics company InGen for Masrani Global Corporation's theme park Jurassic World, the hybrid specimen breaks loose and proceeds to cause property damage and many deaths to both people and animals throughout the park.


In response to their park's dwindling visitors, Masrani Global approved the creation of a genetically modified hybrid.[2] Two years later, Simon Masrani, CEO of Masrani Global, revealed the hybrid now named Indominus rex to the public on his blog,[3] causing ticket sales for Jurassic World to skyrocket.[4] There were two Indominus rex initially created, but one of the I. rex killed her sibling for unknown reasons. Vic Hoskins, Head of Security, was behind the creation of the Indominus rex, and wanted to use the hybrid for military purposes.[5]

However, problems surrounded the Indominus rex even before it was fully grown. In addition to killing its sibling, it grew to proportions that exceeded initial estimates, forcing the opening of the attraction to be delayed 7 months while the creature's paddock was altered and strengthened to accommodate it. To make matters worse, the I. rex began to anticipate where the handlers would bring food and after an incident where a handler nearly lost an arm, a Terex RT 450 crane was used instead. Further concerns were also raised after it attempted to break the glass of the viewing gallery, but despite all of this, the park's owners continued to advertise the attraction.[5]

Just before the incident started, Gray and Zach Mitchell, the nephews of Jurassic World's general manager Claire Dearing, visited the dinosaur park and were inside it when the incident occurred.[5][6] The Indominus rex was raised well in captivity and was fed three times a day. However, because she had no social connections with other members of her species, had never imprinted on anybody, and was basically in isolation all of her life as the only member of its species, the hybrid became deranged and very unstable.[5]



The incident began when Claire and raptor trainer Owen Grady arrived at Paddock 11 so that Owen can investigate the paddock for any flaws. Claire ordered a piece of steer to be released to lure the Indominus into view for Owen to see, but she didn't appear and the thermal readers don't pick up her heat signatures. Owen noticed scratches on a nearby wall and they feared that she climbed out of her enclosure. Claire rushed back to the control room as she could track the I. rex through her tracker which all the dinosaurs have. Owen, paddock supervisor Nicholas Letting, and worker Nick Kilgore enter the paddock to investigate. Claire called the control room to have Lowery and Vivian find the I. rex. In the Control Room, Lowery Cruthers and Vivian Krill, to their horror, saw that the Indominus was still in her paddock and informed the three to get out. Unfortunately, the I. rex revealed herself and blocked their exit, forcing them to the big gates of her paddock killing Kilgore in the process. Simon Masrani ordered the paddock doors to be closed, with the control room personnel protesting against his command, but the I. rex broke the door before they could do so. However, Owen managed to hide under the Terex crane. The hybrid proceeded to seek out and kill Supervisor Letting, who had attempted to hide behind a pick-up truck, and began to search for Owen. In an attempt to mask his scent, Owen cut the crane's fuel line; though the hybrid came close to discovering him, the smell of gasoline confused it and it stormed away, leaving a very traumatized Owen behind.[5]

Sneaky indominus

Word spread quickly to the employees. Two workers went to the nearby Camp Cretaceous, where they attempted to warn campers Darius Bowman, Brooklynn, Kenji Kon, Ben Pincus, Sammy Gutierrez, and Yasmina Fadoula about the hybrid's escape. After killing a juvenile Brachiosaurus, the I. rex crept up on the workers and killed both of them in front of the kids. The kids managed to escape, while Indominus found and freed a Carnotaurus nicknamed Toro. The children then tried to make it to the main part of the park.[7]

Claire returned to the control room, where Vivian attempted to put the park on alert for the escaped Indominus rex, but Simon Masrani stopped her as he saw no reason to tell the public about the dinosaur on the loose for he felt that the Asset Containment Unit could recapture her without causing an unnecessary panic.[5]

At the same time, Owen's friend Barry Sembène was informed of the I. rex escaping and, being told of it as well, Hoskins decided to use the developing chaos to his advantage and show off what the Indominus was capable of and called an associate, saying they now had an opportunity. Soon Owen barged into the control room demanding to know how the I. rex managed to escape only for Claire to write it off as a possible "technical malfunction" though Owen says the Indominus was intelligent enough to claw its paddock wall to make them think she escaped when she hadn't. Owen was agitated by the sight of the ACU carrying non-lethal weapons, to which Masrani tried to justify them because of the $26 million invested in the Indominus. Owen demanded that the ACU be called off but Claire told him that he was not in control.[5]

Indominus Rex Jaws

The ACU tracked the Indonimus rex, only to find she clawed out her tracking device. Then the hybrid revealed its ability to camouflage and attacked without warning, killing Katashi Hamada by crushing him under its foot. Attempts to stun it with cattle prods failed when it accidentally struck Cooper with its tail while seizing Craig and throwing him at a tree branch, killing them both. Austin tried to subdue it with a net launcher, but its struggles to free itself caused Lee's death when a toppled tree crushed him. Breaking free, the I. rex roared loudly before knocking Meyers and another trooper away with its tail and snatching and devouring Spears as he tried to flee. As Austin and another trooper dragged an injured comrade to safety and Meyers fled into the jungle with her surviving comrades, Miller fired at the creature with a bullpup shotgun in an attempt to kill it, but the shots had no effect and Miller was eaten whole.[5]

In the control room, having witnessed the team's heart monitors wink out one by one, a furious Owen demanded that Claire should order an evacuation of the island but Claire could only express concern for the park's reputation. Owen explains that since the Indominus was raised in complete isolation and is now seeing the outside world for the first time, she will try to learn her place in the food chain and kill everything that moves. Then he tells them to have the ACU use live ammunition and arm the helicopter with their M134 to kill the I. rex. Due to families being in the park, Claire is against turning it into a warzone but Owen says it's too late for that and tells Masrani to speak to the scientists in the lab. Owen tells Masrani that the Indominus is no dinosaur and then leaves.[5]

Although uncertain about the next course of action, Claire decides to evacuate the northern part of the park where the I. rex would break into once she arrived. Masrani later went to the labs on Owen's advice to question Dr. Henry Wu about the I. rex, where it was revealed that several different animal genes had been added to the creature to make it meet Masrani's demands though he did not reveal that it was really intended to be a military weapon. Furious at the subterfuge, Masrani ordered that all experiments be ceased immediately and that Wu would face the company's board of directors, citing that he had committed numerous crimes against nature by combining so many deadly features into one animal.[5]

JW Ankylosaurus

Meanwhile, Gray and Zach boarded Gyrosphere 07 just seconds before the ride was ordered to be shut down due to the I. rex. Ignoring the order to return the Gyrosphere to the station, the two make their way to the restricted area through a hole ripped in the gate. After learning from her assistant Zara Young that Zack and Gray ran off, Claire called Zach and learned the boys were in the Gyrosphere Valley. Claire tells the park rangers to bring her nephews back as their top priority, but the rangers have their hands full with other missing guests so Claire decided to go find the boys herself and enlisted Owen's help. The Indominus rex later encountered the Gyrosphere with Gray and Zach in it. Although initially cautious about the strange vehicle, the hybrid eventually attacked. She kicked it into the paths of four Ankylosauruses who used their clubbed tails to smash the vehicle away in panic. Inside the overturned vehicle, Zach and Gray watched as one of the Ankylosaurs made a brave stand against the hybrid in order to protect a baby Ankylosaur, before being flipped over and killed. The hybrid then turned her attention to the Gyrosphere, where she pierced the Gyroshere's glass with her claws, but the kids managed to escape the Gyrosphere before the Indominus rex demolished it. The kids fled, but were trapped at a waterfall. Seconds before the hybrid could snatch them, both jumped off the waterfall and tricked the creature into thinking they had drowned. Owen and Claire then went on to try and find Gray and Zach using a Mercedes 05. They came across a wounded Apatosaurus that slowly died and five other dead ones. Because the Indominus rex didn't eat them, Owen concluded that the hybrid was killing for sport.[5]

Ford e-series

Shortly after this, Darius, Brooklynn, Kenji, Ben, Sammy and Yaz, along with Bumpy the baby Ankylosaurus that the adult died defending, found an abandoned ACU van. Using it, they managed to escape another encounter with the I. rex. They drove on, hoping to reach the Genetic Lab.[8] They then moved on to the Genetic Lab, hoping to find some adults, but they only found lab assistant Eddie. Proving himself a coward, Eddie attempted to steal the van and left the children behind, but was killed by the Indominus. The kids all escaped and found a second van,[8] but soon crashed it.[9]


On the beach, an InGen Contractor and several InGen Soldiers arrived by boat and met with Hoskins. Unknown to them, Barry was watching them and tried to alert Owen via radio but couldn't reach him. Owen and Claire then came across the destroyed Gyrosphere 07. Some point later Zach and Gray found the remains of the Visitor Center that was built for the cancelled Jurassic Park. While exploring the abandoned Visitor Center, they stumble upon a vehicle garage containing the two Jeep Wrangler Staff Vehicles used to transport John Hammond and the endorsement team to the visitor center. Meanwhile, Vivian, Lowery, and Masrani continued to monitor the movements of the Indominus as it kept moving toward the park since it can sense thermal radiation and all the visitors were gathered at Main Street due to the emergency measures. Vic Hoskins entered the control room and proposed to Masrani the use of Owen's Velociraptors to kill the I. rex, only for Masrani to refuse Hoskins' solution, deciding to handle the situation personally.[5]

Zach and Gray successfully get Jeep 29 working again after replacing the battery and refueling the jeep using fuel from a damaged Jurassic World vehicle that was in front of the visitor center and use it to return to Jurassic World. Owen and Claire soon went to the cancelled Jurassic Park and found that Gray and Zach already recently left the visitor center in a Jeep. They prepare to follow their trail only to be found by the I. rex which began attacking them but broke off her attack after spotting a helicopter flying overhead. Claire then alerted the control room of the dinosaur's location.[5]

Explosion of heli

After the Asset Containment Unit team failed, Masrani's private helicopter, JW001, was outfitted with a heavy machine gun and ordered to hunt the Indominus rex, with Masrani himself piloting it. Eventually, they found her, but the hybrid evaded them by ramming into the Jurassic World Aviary. JW001 was attacked by 3 Pteranodons, killing two ACU Troopers and causing it to crash into the Aviary next to the Indominus rex, killing Masrani in the process. The Indominus rex then fought the Pteranodons and Dimorphodons for a short period.[5] This entire incident was witnessed by the kids from Camp Cretaceous, who escaped into the kayak river that would take them to the main park.

Meanwhile, camp counselors Roxie and Dave, having been at the main park hub when the I. rex got loose, took a vehicle and went looking for their missing charges. They were ultimately not successful in their attempt.[8]


The Pteranodons and Dimorphodons, scared, flew out of the Aviary then attacked the Main Street area, killing or injuring several visitors and park personnel, at least 250 civilians were killed by the pterosaurs,[10] which was witnessed by Zach, Gray, Claire, and Owen. In the ensuing chaos, Zara was snatched by a Pteranodon and dropped into the Jurassic World Lagoon. The lagoon's resident Mosasaurus responded by attacking and killing the Pteranodon, inadvertently killing Zara in the process. Owen and Jurassic World Security worked together to bring the Pteranadons and Dimorphodons down to protect the tourists. Owen was nearly killed by a Dimorphordon, but Claire took a rifle and used it to save Owen from the Dimorphodon by hitting it with the butt of the rifle before shooting it. Owen and Claire then shared a kiss, before reuniting with Zach and Gray. Then Hoskins used Masrani's death to carry out a coup d'état and take control of the park and dismissed the control room staff, but Vivian and Lowery stayed. As more InGen soldiers arrived to the island by helicopter, Lowery warned Claire about the company board assigning emergency operations to InGen Security and Hoskins' plan to field test the Velociraptors and use them to hunt the Indominus.[5]

That Things Part Raptor

By nightfall, Hoskins was in full control with InGen Military helping him with his plan. While he and his team were preparing to release the raptors, Owen, Claire, Zack, and Gray arrived at the Raptor Paddock. Furious with Hoskins trying to exploit the raptors behind his back, Owen slugged him in the face with a left-hook, with Claire telling Hoskins that he wanted the incident to happen, but Owen was eventually forced to relent on the condition that they do the operation his way. Owen, Barry, and Leon released their Velociraptors, Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo, to hunt down the Indominus rex. However, it was revealed that the hybrid was part raptor and therefore able to communicate with the raptors, becoming the Alpha of the pack. It usurped command from Owen and told the raptors to attack the humans. The Velociraptors killed almost the entire team of soldiers. After killing a soldier, Charlie looked up to see Owen and realized who he is before she was killed by a rocket from a soldier. A second soldier returned to the raptor paddock attempting to escape, but was killed by Delta as he told Claire to get away with the boys. Blue attacked Barry, but before she could kill him, Owen caught her attention and lured her away. As Claire was transporting Zach and Gray, they were attacked by Blue, Echo, and Delta, but managed to escape and reunite with Owen and Claire called Lowery and told him to call in a chopper.[5]

Meanwhile, Dr. Wu was having the lab evacuated when he got a call from Hoskins telling him the mission went awry and that he's taking everything off-site. Even though Dr. Wu told him the dinosaur embryos can survive for 8 weeks on the backup generators, Hoskins says the park will be Chapter 11 by morning, and their project will be shut down and he doesn't want a bunch of lawyers messing around with something beyond their understanding. Hoskins asks Dr. Wu if he understands but Wu stays silent, and Hoskins takes his silence as a yes. Back in the control room, the InGen personnel packed up and left. Vivian approached Lowery and told him a ferry was available for evacuation but he chose to stay behind and Vivian left. At the same time, the InGen Contractor helped Dr. Wu escape the island via helicopter with the embryos and his research on hybrids. The surviving mercenaries also escaped.[5]

Hoskins Death

Claire, Zach, Gray, and Owen eventually made it back to Main Street. In the Innovation Center, as they were running toward the control room to meet up with Lowery, Claire noticed the lab had been emptied. Seeing the door to Dr. Wu's private lab was open, they entered it and found several tanks containing small hybrid creatures such as a lizard with teal furry scales and a pink two-headed snake. Then they found Hoskins and several other InGen soldiers packing things into a cold storage container. Hoskins told them about his and Dr. Wu's collaboration with InGen Military to ensue the company's future and create hybrid dinosaurs as weapons of war, as well as his belief that nature exists to be exploited by man rather than a power that should be respected and not be meddled with. However, Delta appeared and attacked and killed him. The survivors left the building only to be surrounded by the Velociraptors. However, Owen took off a head-mounted camera on Blue, which allowed him to regain his spot as Alpha as the Indominus rex entered Main Street. Blue attacked first but was knocked aside. Delta and Echo then attacked the Indominus rex too on Owen's call. However, Gray soon figured out that they needed more teeth to kill the hybrid, so Claire ran off to T. rex Kingdom to release the old T. rex that stayed in her paddock throughout the incident. She contacted Lowery in order to open the T. rex's paddock. While reluctant, he opened the paddock after Claire "made it personal" after his initial refusal to do so.[5]

Darius, Brooklynn, Kenji, Ben, Sammy, and Yaz attempted to reach the last ferry leaving with surviving guests and park personnel by using the monorail, but were attacked by Pteranodons, one of whom snatched away Ben. The other children survived, but due to an encounter with Toro, they were unable to make it to the boat, which left without them. Roxie and Dave had to leave on the ship and were unable to persuade another worker to turn the vessel around to go back for the children.[11]

Indominus VS T

Eventually the Indominus rex killed Delta and Echo despite their valiant efforts. The hybrid then resumed attacking Owen, Gray and Zach, but Owen protected them. Meanwhile, Claire used a flare to lure Rexy out of her enclosure. The Tyrannosaurus rex followed Claire to Main Street, where the Indominus rex was, smashing through the ornamental Spinosaurus skeleton and challenging the hybrid via a colossal roar. They both sized each other up before they fought. Rexy had the upper hand at first but the Indominus rex managed to overwhelm her. When the Indominus was about to kill her, Blue appeared from nowhere, having survived the attack, and attacked the hybrid. Then both dinosaurs fought the Indominus rex, smashing her into several buildings and, utilizing their combined strength, managed to injure her and push her into the fence around the lagoon. The hybrid got back up, but the Mosasaurus emerged from the nearby water and dragged the hybrid into the lagoon, finally killing it. After the battle, Rexy and Blue looked at each other before the larger animal walked away from the park, tired and injured but not beaten. Blue then looked at Owen one last time before heading off on her own into the wild as well. Lowery then shut down the control room and left the island.[5]

The next day, the four made their way to a hangar in Costa Rica with the other Jurassic World survivors. Gray and Zach were reunited with their parents and Claire reconciled with her sister, Karen Mitchell. Claire and Owen then left together, their relationship possibly restarted after the events. Back on Isla Nublar, Rexy made her way to the helipad of the Control Center and roared in triumph while surveying the destroyed Jurassic World, once again wild on Isla Nublar. The park was abandoned following the devastating incident.[5]

Meanwhile, Bumpy found an apparently dead Ben lying where he'd been dropped by the Pteranodon and began nuzzling him. Ben's hand twitched, indicating he was still alive.[11]


The incident resulted in the worst financial crisis the Masrani Global Corporation had seen, resulting an emergency board meeting. Richard Wiesner, COO of Masrani Global, wrote an urgent memo regarding this board meeting and told the investors of his company not to panic.[12]In the end, the company ended up paying 800 million in undisclosed currency in damages and lawsuits to the tourists of Jurassic World.

In spite of the evacuation, not everyone managed to escape Isla Nublar. The campers in Camp Cretaceous were left stranded on the island for 6 months.[13] During those 6 months, the campers encounter many dinosaurs, one of which being the Scorpios rex that Wu created but later froze due to its ugly appearance and dangerous behavior.[14] When the Scorpios Rex is accidentally released,[15] it clones itself, resulting in there being two of them, and the two Scorpioses then wreck havoc on the island.[16] However, the two Scorpioses are ultimately killed in the old Visitor Center of the original park.[17]

Main article: I. rex Specimen Retrieval

Shortly after the death of the Scorpios Rex's 6 months after the incident, Wu and a group of mercenaries, working under Eli Mills, return to Isla Nublar to retrieve samples from the Indominus Rex and also for Wu to retrieve his laptop that contains years of his research. In order to stop Wu from creating more hybrids, Darius, Brooklyn and Yasmina steal the laptop, but unfortunately, Brooklyn is captured by Wu's mercenary Hawkes who tells Darius and Yasmina that they would need to return the laptop to ensure Brooklyn's safety.[13] Darius' plan was to copy and delete Wu's memory on his laptop and take this to the authorities. However, unwilling to put Brooklyn's life at risk, Kenji takes the laptop before it finishes copying and takes it to Wu. However, right when Kenji gives Wu the laptop, Ben follows through the camper plan by leading Bumpy and her herd to attack Wu and Hawkes, ultimately leading to Brooklyn escaping and the laptop being destroyed. Despite his laptop being destroyed, a mercenary gains samples of the Indominus Rex which satisfies Wu, and Wu and Hawks then leave. The six campers bid farewell to Bumpy and then leave the island on a yacht.[18] However, unbeknownst to the campers, a Compsognathus stowed away onto the yacht. Soon after the Mosasaurus, who escaped the lagoon during the Indominus specimen retrieval, attacked the boat, causing the campers to become marooned on a new island.[19]

People involved[]

InGen Security[]

Jurassic World employees[]

See: Jurassic World Employees


Dinosaurs involved[]


