Jurassic Park Wiki

Koolasuchus is a Cunning Epic creature in Jurassic World: Alive, with a Cunning Rare GEN 2 variant that was added to the game in its worldwide release on May 24, 2018.

Gen 1 Koolasuchus[]

JWA PressKit Koolasuchus


Koolasuchus requires 150 DNA to create.

Possible Hybrids[]

Creature 1 DNA Cost Creature 2 DNA Cost Coin Cost Creates:


Lv. 15



Lv. 15

Scolosaurus Icon JWA
500 200


Lv. 16

JWA Profile Skoolasaurus

Where To Find[]

  • Map
    • Everywhere: Night
    • Restroom (Nest): All the time


Level Health Damage Speed Armor Critical Chance DNA to next Level Coins to next Level
11 1,875 480 127 0% 5% 100 2,000
12 1,969 505 127 0% 5% 150 4,000
13 2,068 530 127 0% 5% 200 6,000
14 2,171 556 127 0% 5% 250 8,000
15 2,280 584 127 0% 5% 300 10,000
16 2,394 613 127 0% 5% 350 15,000
17 2,513 644 127 0% 5% 400 20,000
18 2,639 676 127 0% 5% 500 30,000
19 2,771 710 127 0% 5% 750 40,000
20 2,910 746 127 0% 5% 1,000 50,000
21 3,055 783 127 0% 5% 1,250 60,000
22 3,208 822 127 0% 5% 1,500 70,000
23 3,368 863 127 0% 5% 2,000 80,000
24 3,537 906 127 0% 5% 2,500 90,000
25 3,714 952 127 0% 5% 3,000 100,000
26 3,900 1,000 127 0% 5% 3,500 120,000
27 4,094 1,050 127 0% 5% 4,000 150,000
28 4,299 1,102 127 0% 5% 5,000 200,000
29 4,514 1,157 127 0% 5% 7,500 250,000
30 4,740 1,215 127 0% 5% Max Max


Icon Ability Effect Target Cooldown
Cunning Strike Icon
Cunning Strike

Self: Cleanse DoT.

Target: Remove Critical Increase and Attack Increase. Reduce Critical Chance 100% and reduce damage 50% for 2 attacks, lasting 1 turn. Attack 1x.

Lowest HP N/A
Distracting Impact Icon
Distracting Impact Target: Reduce damage 50% for 4 attacks, lasting 2 turns. Attack 1.5x. Highest damage 2
Instant Cripple Icon
Group Distraction


Target: Reduce damage 50% for 3 attacks, lasting 2 turns.

All opponents 2


Icon Resistance Effect
Distraction 100% Icon
Distraction Damage dealt by this creature cannot be reduced by Distraction.

About This Creature[]

Like some modern species of frog, the Koolasuchus buries deep in mud and hibernates during cool seasons. When awake, this amphibious Brachyopoid likes to skulk at the bottom of shallow pools and wait for prey.

Gen 2 Koolasuchus[]

JWA PressKit Koolasuchus GEN2


Koolasuchus GEN 2 requires 100 DNA to create.

Possible Hybrids[]

Creature 1 DNA Cost Creature 2 DNA Cost Coin Cost Creates:


Lv. 15

Arambourgiania Icon JWA

Koolasuchus GEN 2

Lv. 15

Gen 2 Koolasuchus Icon JWA
200 200


Lv. 16

Koolabourgiana Icon JWA

Where To Find[]

  • Map
    • Everywhere: Day
    • Restroom (Nest): All the time


Level Health Damage Speed Armor Critical Chance DNA to next Level Coins to next Level
6 1,696 565 126 0% 5% 100 200
7 1,780 593 126 0% 5% 150 400
8 1,869 623 126 0% 5% 200 600
9 1,963 654 126 0% 5% 250 800
10 2,061 687 126 0% 5% 300 1,000
11 2,164 721 126 0% 5% 350 2,000
12 2,272 757 126 0% 5% 400 4,000
13 2,386 795 126 0% 5% 500 6,000
14 2,505 835 126 0% 5% 750 8,000
15 2,631 877 126 0% 5% 1,000 10,000
16 2,762 920 126 0% 5% 1,250 15,000
17 2,900 966 126 0% 5% 1,500 20,000
18 3,045 1,015 126 0% 5% 2,000 30,000
19 3,198 1,066 126 0% 5% 2,500 40,000
20 3,357 1,119 126 0% 5% 3,000 50,000
21 3,525 1,175 126 0% 5% 3,500 60,000
22 3,702 1,234 126 0% 5% 4,000 70,000
23 3,887 1,295 126 0% 5% 5,000 80,000
24 4,081 1,360 126 0% 5% 7,500 90,000
25 4,285 1,428 126 0% 5% 10,000 100,000
26 4,500 1,500 126 0% 5% 12,500 120,000
27 4,725 1,574 126 0% 5% 15,000 150,000
28 4,961 1,653 126 0% 5% 20,000 200,000
29 5,209 1,736 126 0% 5% 25,000 250,000
30 5,469 1,823 126 0% 5% Max Max


Icon Ability Effect Target Cooldown
Cunning Strike Icon
Cunning Strike

Self: Cleanse DoT.

Target: Remove Critical Increase and Attack Increase. Reduce Critical Chance 100% and reduce damage 50% for 2 attacks, lasting 1 turn. Attack 1x.

Lowest HP N/A
Distracting Strike
Distracting Strike Target: Attack 1x. Reduce damage 50% for 4 attacks, lasting 2 turns. Highest damage 2
Instant Cripple Icon
Instant Distraction


Target: Reduce damage 100% for 2 attacks, lasting 1 turn.

Highest damage 1

About This Creature[]

Due to its small size, this Koolasuchus clone developed a uniquely intimidating call to ward off predators.


