Jurassic Park Wiki

"We should go to Version 4.4."
The following article contains needs to be updated due to either outdated information or needs a major over haul of new information from a recent installment from the Jurassic Park Franchise added to it.

Lego Dimensions Jurassic World

LEGO Dimensions is a toys-to-life video game based on many LEGO toy lines, including Jurassic World that was released September 27, 2015.


Characters from various LEGO universes join forces to defeat Lord Vortech, who threatens their very existence.[1]

Jurassic World Content[]

This section is a list of content from Jurassic World that will appear in the game. So far, only a "Team Pack" has been confirmed for the film.[2]

External Links[]


  1. GameStop - LEGO Dimensions. Retrieved from http://www.gamestop.com/collection/lego-dimensions
  2. Kotaku - Portal, Doctor Who, Simpsons And More Confirmed For LEGO Dimensions (May 10, 2015) Retrieved from http://kotaku.com/portal-doctor-who-jurassic-world-and-more-confirmed-f-1703501558

