"Shoot it. Shoot it. Tell them to shoot it." Ludlow on his car phone.
The Lincoln Town Car was a luxury sedan manufactured by Lincoln. Peter Ludlow owned a 1996 model. He drove in it to the InGen Waterfront Complex to give his press conference and await the arrival of the S.S. Venture. When the Venture crashed into the docks, Ludlow's Lincoln was spared because it was parked on the street near the dock and not on the dock itself. Following the Tyrannosaur Buck's escape and subsequent rampage, Ludlow, who remained at the Waterfront Complex by himself, got inside the car and used his car phone to tell the San Diego PD to shoot the dinosaur, before noticing Ian Malcolm and Sarah Harding with Junior and leaves his car to follow the couple onto the boat in a attempt to recapture the infant.

A parked Town Car blocks the view of the unfortunate citizen's death.
A second Town Car, a 1995 model, was seen as the T. rex killed a San Diego citizen.