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Magnapyritor is a Cunning + Fierce Unique superhybrid in Jurassic World: Alive that was added in the worldwide release on May 24, 2018.

Magnapyritor rendor


Magnapyritor requires 250 DNA to create.

How To Make[]

Creature 1 DNA Cost Creature 2 DNA Cost Coin Cost Creates:


Lv. 20

Dimetrodon Icon JWA


Lv. 20

50 1,000


Lv. 21


Where To Find[]

  • Events - Keep an eye on the Weekly Calendar for Events that award this DNA.


Level Health Damage Speed Armor Critical Chance DNA to next Level Coins to next Level
21 3,055 1,136 128 0% 20% 100 60,000
22 3,208 1,192 128 0% 20% 150 70,000
23 3,368 1,252 128 0% 20% 200 80,000
24 3,537 1,315 128 0% 20% 250 90,000
25 3,714 1,380 128 0% 20% 300 100,000
26 3,900 1,450 128 0% 20% 350 120,000
27 4,094 1,522 128 0% 20% 400 150,000
28 4,299 1,598 128 0% 20% 500 200,000
29 4,514 1,678 128 0% 20% 750 250,000
30 4,740 1,762 128 0% 20% Max Max


Icon Ability Effect Target Cooldown Delay
Defense Shattering Strike Icon New
Defense Shattering Strike Remove Shields and Taunt. Attack 1x bypassing Armor. Lowest HP N/A N/A
Nullifying Impact Icon
Nullifying Impact Target: Remove all positive effects. Attack 1.5x. Opponent with most positive effects 2 N/A
Distracting Impact Icon
Distracting Impact Target: Reduce damage 50% for 4 attacks, lasting 2 turns. Attack 1.5x. Highest damage 2 N/A
Fierce Rampage
Fierce Rampage

Self: Cleanse Vulnerable.

Target: Remove Taunt, remove Shields. Attack 2x, bypassing Armor.

Highest HP 1 1


Icon Resistance Effect
Stun 100% Icon

This creature's turn cannot be lost to Stun.

Swap Prevention 75% Icon
Swap Prevention The chance of an opponent stopping this creature from swapping out is reduced.
Rend 50% Icon
Rend Rending damage is reduced when applied against this creature.
Distraction 50% Icon
Distraction Damage dealt by this creature is less reduced by Distraction.
DOT 100% Icon
DOT Damage Over Time cannot be applied against this creature.
Vulnerable 100% Icon
Vulnerable This creature cannot receive additional damage for being Vulnerable.
Speed Decrease 100% Icon
Speed Decrease This creature's speed cannot be reduced.
Crit Reduction 50%
Crit Reduction This creature's chance to deal a Critical Hit is less reduced.

About This Creature[]

Magnapyritor comes from the Latin for 'Great Fire.' This superhybrid fuses the vicious intelligence of the Pyrritator with the sturdy defensive make-up of the Dimetrodon.

