Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect Night Hunter Series, known as Night Hunter Series is a toyline planned to be released in 1999 as a follow-up to Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect. The toyline was to include brightly coloured, glow-in-the-dark dinosaurs, with bright humans and capture gear. Evidence of this line only exists in test shots of packaging and toy catalogs. The line was scrapped mid-production, however, due to Kenner thinking that the line was a sign the brand was losing novelty and originality.[1][2]
Cheap line[]
- Chasmosaurus with Nick Van Owen
- Spinosaurus with Eddie Carr
- Baryonyx with Peter Ludlow
- Pachycephalosaurus with Ajay Sidhu
- Velociraptor, with D.A.R.T. and Dieter Stark
- Dilophosaurus, with Dirtbike and Carter
- Ultimasaurus with Roland Tembo