Jurassic Park Wiki

Article necessary?

Is an article about Jurassic Park VI really necessary? I think it isn't. There is probably nothing more to tell about it for another decade. However, some new users keep creating it. I think it is better to create it an protect it, instead of deleting it hundreds of times. BastionMonk (talk) 13:39, June 21, 2014 (UTC)

Unlock this, since it has been announced

Yesterday, February 21, 2018, JW3 has been announced to release on June 11, 2021. Unlock this so I can edit it. Dinosaurus1 (talk) 16:26, February 22, 2018 (UTC)

My dino wants for JW3/JPVI (Old)

This is by no way confirmed or even probable, but its' just what I want in the film

Animalman57 (talk) 08:08, March 26, 2018 (UTC)

This is what I want for Jurassic World III. But if I say it, it may not come true... Dinosaurus1 (talk) 15:24, March 26, 2018 (UTC)
Alright, I’ll say it.

This is speculation, but this is what I want in Jurassic World III.

Dinosaurus1 (talk) 15:58, March 27, 2018 (UTC)

Colin Trevorrow teases Jurassic-Sized Reunion for Jurassic World III... surprising


This is great and all, but I am surprised... Dinosaurus1 (talk) 23:44, June 29, 2018 (UTC)

Creatures I want in JW3 (new verson)

This is by no way confirmed or even probable, but its' just what I want in the film. Animalman57 (talk) 21:45, July 27, 2018 (UTC)

  1. Allosaurus (Falllen Kingdom design)
  2. Baryonyx (Fallen Kingdom design)
  3. Carnotaurus (Fallen Kingdom design)
  4. Compsognathus (Lost World, JP3 and Fallen Kingdom design)
  5. Dilophosaurus (model the same as JW: Evolution Dilo, but color is mainly drak olive green with red, yellow, and orange frill, brown and orange crests, white warkings on the face, arms legs and midbody. Several black stripes are also on its tail.)
  6. Dreadnoughtus (model is based on real sauropod. color mainly all brown with a white underbelly, a yellow backside, and a red eye spot.)
  7. Gallimimus (JW and Fallen Kingdom design)
  8. Liopleurodon (Model is a rather stocky Liopleurodon with a short skull with a fin on its' tail and white osteroderms. Coloration is mainly all brown with a white underbelly.)  
  9. Mosasaurus (JW and Fallen Kingdom design)
  10. Oviraptor (model based on the Disney Dinosaur dino and coloration is mostly grey with a red crest, yellow eye spot and stripes, and pink wattle.)
  11. Parasaurolophus (JW: Evolution model and coloration of it and the Lost World design)
  12. Pteranodon (JW and Fallen Kingdom design)
  13. Quetzalcoatlus (model is based on real pterosaur. Coloration of body is mainly brown with black pycnofibres with yeallow and black beak. Crest is red and pink throat pouch)
  14. Sinoceratops (Fallen Kingdom design)
  15. Stegosaurus (JW and Fallen Kingdom  design)
  16. Stygimoloch (Fallen Kingdom design)
  17. Therizinosaurus (design is based on real therizinosaur. Coloration of body is mainly tan with brown small spots all around the body, with a dark brown neck and head. Has blue fingers and toes and orange claws on both arms and feet. Long black quills are on the top of the head, hip, end of the tail, and arms)
  18. Triceratops (Fallen Kingdom design)
  19. T. rex of Isla Nublar (Fallen Kingdom design)
  20. Blue (Fallen Kingdom design)
  21. Zuul (design is based on real ankylosaur. Coloration of body is mainly similar to the JPIII Ankylosaur, but the eye spot is light blue instead of red, stripes on the underbelly are yellow instead of purple, and the amoured body, tail and club is all dark green)
This is what I want for Jurassic World III.

Dinosaurus1 (talk)

from Fletcher Allen

This is the list that I think what kind of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures they going have for Jurassic Wolrd 3!

  1. Velociraptor (including Blue and Green)
  2. Tyrannosaurus rex (including Rexy)
  3. Triceratops
  4. Pteranodon
  5. Mosasaurus
  6. Compsognathus
  7. Allosaurus
  8. Ankylosaurus
  9. Apatosaurus
  10. Baryonyx
  11. Brachiosaurus
  12. Camarasaurus
  13. Carnotaurus
  14. Dilophosaurus
  15. Dimorphodon
  16. Gallimimus
  17. Iguanodon 
  18. Microceratus
  19. Oviraptor
  20. Pachyrhinosaurus
  21. Parasaurolophus
  22. Proceratosaurus
  23. Sinoceratops
  24. Stegosaurus
  25. Stygimoloch (including Stiggy)

Characters for Jurassic World III

These are the characters who are likely to return.

Characters confirmed to return:
Characters likely to return:
Characters speculated to return:
This is my version of the characters that might appear in Jurassic World III. Dinosaurus1 (talk) 14:53, August 31, 2018 (UTC)

We probably will see some new ones for sure, along with Owen, Claire and Maisie, likely Wu, Franklin and Zia. Not sure on the others. BattleshipMan (talk) 22:03, August 31, 2018 (UTC)

Well, anything is possible. Dinosaurus1 (talk) 22:16, August 31, 2018 (UTC)

I want Tim Murphy to come back and be a paleontologist like Grant, and even be on good terms with Grant. Animalman57 (talk) 23:19, September 4, 2018 (UTC)

I pray that Dr. Wu will return, in which he will actually be the main antagonist, like until he finally meets his fate at the hands of a dinosaur, like Blue or Rexy/Roberta. Dr. Wu should actually be the main antagonist of the sequel trilogy somehow. Zookeeper567 (talk) 20:39, July 25, 2019 (UTC)

Possibillity for all human villains being defeated

It is very likely that most of the human villains will be killed, and most of them will be arrested for their crimes, like even by the end of this film somehow. Zookeeper567 (talk) 16:47, November 25, 2018 (UTC)

List of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures that I want in Jurassic World III (newer newer version)

Dinosaurus1 (talk) 00:05, October 8, 2018 (UTC)

Possible titles

Any possible titles for Jurassic World III? Zookeeper567 (talk) 16:46, November 25, 2018 (UTC)

I think it will just be Jurassic World III. Dinosaurus1 (talk) 18:28, October 10, 2018 (UTC)
Jurassic World III may need to have a title, just so that it will also be known as Jurassic Park 6. Zookeeper567 (talk) 16:46, November 25, 2018 (UTC)

I've got a good title idea for JW3/JP6

My idea for the title of the movie is Jurassic World: InvasiveAnimalman57 (talk) 21:12, October 13, 2018 (UTC)

Creatures that I would love to make an appearance in Jurassic World III (newer newer newer version)

Dinosaurus1 (talk) 01:10, November 2, 2018 (UTC)

Creatures I want in JW3 (last version)

This is by no way confirmed or even probable, but its' just what I want in the film. Animalman57 (talk) 08:40, November 6, 2018 (UTC)  

  1. Allosaurus (Falllen Kingdom design)
  2. Baryonyx (Fallen Kingdom design)
  3. Carnotaurus (Fallen Kingdom design)
  4. Compsognathus (Lost World, JP3 and Fallen Kingdom design)
  5. Dilophosaurus (model the same as JW: Evolution Dilo, but color is mainly drak olive green with red, yellow, and orange frill, brown and orange crests, white warkings on the face, arms legs and midbody. Several black stripes are also on its tail.)
  6. Dreadnoughtus (model is based on real sauropod. color mainly all brown with a white underbelly, a yellow backside, and a red eye spot.)
  7. Gallimimus (JW and Fallen Kingdom design)
  8. Liopleurodon (Model is a rather stocky Liopleurodon with a short skull with a fin on its' tail and white osteroderms. Coloration is mainly all brown with a white underbelly.)
  9. Incisivosaurus (model is based on real oviraptorosaurid. Coloration of body/fuzz is mainly black with red throat, green spots on tail, red eye, and white stripes down the body. Wings are purple and blue.)
  10. Miragaia (Model is based on real stegosaur. Coloration of body is mainly brown with a lime underbelly (not unlike the novel Dilophosaurus), red and black plates and blue eye spot)  
  11. Mosasaurus (JW and Fallen Kingdom design)
  12. Parasaurolophus (JW: Evolution model and coloration of it and the Lost World design)
  13. Pteranodon (JW and Fallen Kingdom design)
  14. Quetzalcoatlus (model is based on real pterosaur. Coloration of body is mainly brown with black pycnofibres with yeallow and black beak. Crest is red and pink throat pouch)
  15. Sinoceratops (Fallen Kingdom design)
  16. Stegosaurus (JW and Fallen Kingdom  design)
  17. Stygimoloch (Fallen Kingdom design)
  18. Therizinosaurus (design is based on real therizinosaur. Coloration of body/fuzz is mainly tan with brown small spots all around the body, with a dark brown neck and head. Has blue fingers and toes and orange claws on both arms and feet. Long black quills are on the top of the head, hip, end of the tail, and arms)
  19. Troodon (Design similar to JW: Evolution variant. Coloration of body/fuzz is mainly green with brown stripes and red eyes (when not glowing in the dark). Wings and tail fan are dark blue.)
  20. Triceratops (Fallen Kingdom design)
  21. T. rex of Isla Nublar (Fallen Kingdom design)
  22. Blue (Fallen Kingdom design)
  23. Wu's new Velociraptor named Scar (Design similar to the JW: Alive Utahraptor. Main body/fuzz is light brown with dark brown stripes all over the place. Red on the top of the head and slightly on the neck. Wings, tail fan and head crest (crest is like the JW: Alive Pyroraptor) are orange. Has healed bite on the left side of the jaw, hence the name.)

Characters who will and might appear in Jurassic World 3

This is who would and might be on Jurassic World 3.

We know that we will see Owen, Claire and Maisie since they are important, probably Wu, Franklin and Zia. We know that Zane Maxin and that unnamed female DPG member are mentioned. Not sure on the others. There's a likely door open for Barry, Zach, Gray and a bunch of new characters. BattleshipMan (talk) 05:18, November 29, 2018 (UTC)

Future films that seem unlikely to be released after JW3

I don't know if a prequel trilogy would ever be possible after Jurassic World III comes out, would it? Zookeeper567 (talk) 23:18, December 11, 2018 (UTC)

What I realistically want for Jurassic World III

Okay, so this is my fifth “what I want for Jurassic World III” list, but I will go over what I think could and would have high chances to appear for Jurassic World III.


Dinosaurs and other creatures

If this weren't the last film of the saga

If Jurassic World III weren't the last film of the saga, but only the last film of the sequel trilogy, think they might make spin-offs and a prequel trilogy? Zookeeper567 (talk) 23:55, August 22, 2019 (UTC)

That's a rather interesting possibility. And maybe a live action series can work. Dinosaurus1 (talk) 19:21, September 29, 2019 (UTC)
If they were making a prequel trilogy, then I think they should use a date subtitle at the beginning of each of those 3 films, which would tell what year each of those 3 films are set in. And they would also have John Hammond and likely Benjamin Lockwood appear, although they would recast them. Zookeeper567 (talk) 20:23, September 29, 2019 (UTC)


They have not even STARTED filming yet? man I thought we was getting a trailer THIS YEAR.
