Jurassic Park Wiki

The High Hide III is the second chapter in the Fifth Configuration. Thorne, Eddie, Kelly and Arby join Levine in the High Hide and witness an attack between raptors and triceratops.


Jack Thorne, Eddie, Kelly Curtis and Arby Benton join Richard Levine in the High Hide. The latter typically tells them not move around so much. Kelly accurately spots a thunderstorm is forming and Thorne lies that he brought the kids there for a last chance to view the dinosaurs before the helicopters arrive. Arby quickly spots the lie and Kelly says the real reason is to let Ian Malcolm and Sarah Harding stay together to rekindle their romance. Kelly doesn't state that explicitly and Arby counters he knows what she means. Levine is annoyed and tell them to focus on the Triceratops down by the river. Initially the herbivores act peacefully then yelp like dogs. Arby and Kelly spot what disturbs them: Velociraptors in the trees. An infant triceratops is nuzzles by his apparent mother, keeping it quiet. The adult triceratops quickly form a group defense, swinging their horns and barking and the incoming raptors. Levine is naturally fascinated as most palaeontologists in his view don't believe such group defense occurred.

A single raptor nears the herd, slowly scouting out the herd and all the adult triceratops focus on it. The other raptor emerge and Levine agrees with Arby the raptors are hunting in a pack. He drops a candy wrapper on the ground. Lightning suddenly flashes and the raptors stop, and the triceratops regroup, forming up against any new attack. Levine informs the others the main raptor pack is actually too far away. The triceratops bark as the raptors mark their positions however, the latter see the situation as unfavourable. A single raptor suddenly attacks, frightening the baby triceratops again and the group defense is shattered. Yet, an adult triceratops counters the attacking raptor, striking it down and the other triceratops attack the fallen raptor. The raptor manages to escape, hitting a triceratops in the process. Two adult triceratops continue chasing the raptor while the others remain the defend the infant. The raptor successfully escapes.


Unlike what Michael Crichton wrote, raptors hunted solo, not in packs.
