Jurassic Park Wiki
Triceratops Enclosure

The Triceratops Enclosure as seen in the film

The Triceratops Paddock was an enclosure located within Jurassic Park. It featured a herd of Triceratops, watched over by an alpha-female nicknamed "Lady Margaret". It contained a large open field for adults to graze and socialise, and also a paddocked area most likely used for babies to develop until they could be released into the herd. It was located beside the Triceratops Maintenance Building. In nearly all established continuities within the Jurassic Park series, the Triceratops paddock always seems to be located near the Tyrannosaur paddock, possibly due to these animals naturally coexisting.

No other known species are known to coexist with the Triceratops within this paddock, although Styracosaurus and Euoplocephalus have been guessed to also reside in this paddock in the novel canon.

Known Occupants:[]

  • Freda/Sarah (the name given to the sick Triceratops in an earlier draft)
  • Ralph (a young Triceratops that befriends Lex).
  • Lady Margret (matriarch of the herd)
  • Bakhita (young Triceratops, which obstruct Harding’s jeep).


