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The Tyrannosaurus rex, being the franchise icon, no doubt, has led to the dinosaur being featured in every comic featured for the brand, regardless of whether the animal has any effect on the plot. With this range of inclusions in terms of designs, behavior, to even motives and ideology. Despite this rampant inclusion, only 4 individual animals appear with these comics: Rexy, The Buck, The Doe, their infant, and a fourth red Rex, which is undetermined to be another version of Rexy, or a separate individual.

Jurassic Park Comic Adaption (1993)[]

Issue #3[]

In the Jurassic Park comic adaption in issue #3, After Nedry sabotage shuts down the park security systems and strands the two Explorers outside her paddock, Rexy would make her first appearance staring down over the Ford Explorer BB4 with the bloody remains of the goat used to lower her out in their jaws.

The dinosaur rips loose of its paddock and briefly inspects Alan Grant and Ian Malcolm‘s car before being lowered to the kids car by Lex flicking on a flashlight. The Rex turns to attack the car smashing through the sunroof and tipping over the car upside down trying to get out the kids. Grant steps out with a flare momentarily distracting the dinosaur before Malcolm fleeing in a panic, accidentally draws the dinosaur's attention, dragging the T. rex’s attention towards the restroom, in which Donald Gennaro was hiding. The rex would bust through the building, and eat the lawyer before turning to finish off the car.

Issue #4[]

After failing to find grant and Lex, after they have chosen to remain motionless, Rexy decides to go back to attacking the car; pushing it over the edge of its paddock, and down below into it. Where it would get “disappointed” and leave.

The Rex would briefly reappear chasing, Ellie Sattler, Robert Muldoon, and Malcolm in the jeep, only to lose interest once its hunt proved unsuccessful. The tyrannosaur would also appear briefly chasing a flock of Gallimimus while Grant and the kids are climbing the perimeter fence.

The final appearances of the T. rex in the comic is when it spontaneously appears in the visitor center attacking and killing the remaining two Velociraptors, eating one and stomping on the other. An additional moment is present in which the T. rex roars at the departing helicopter in which the survivors have all boarded.

ComicRex 1993 alt.

Alternate color pattern for comic Rex: 1993

  • While for the most part being displayed as green for some panels, the T. rex appears brown.
  • The design of the Rex hardly resembles that shown in the film, appearing lankier, and more in line with the morphology of the Raptors presented in the comics. Even the eyes are green with a slit pupil rather than yellow with a dotted one
  • This particular rex is described as being 45 feet long and 8 tons.
  • The iconic roaring dinosaur surrounded by a falling banner scene does not happen in the comics.

Jurassic Park: Raptor series (1993)[]

In the first comic of the series, Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler watch as the T. rex confronts and battles several military grade equipment, including tanks, before it is captured and subdued by the American military. Grand advocates for use of a stimulant for the dinosaur as they have are the overdosed the tranquilizer needed. Soldiers come and chain Rexy up to drag her back to her paddock.

  • This is the first and last time we see the T. rex in this comic series.

Jurassic Park Annual Comic[]


Prior to the incident of Jurassic Park, A potential Japanese investor and his daughter inspect the park. Only for the girl to have lost her pet ferret and go after it. The small mammal catches the scent of the tyrannosaur, and the animal knocks a tree down onto its fencing and escapes looking for the small mammal to eat, before giving up and returning to its enclosure.

The Return to Jurassic Park (1994)[]

Issue #1[]

Edgar Prather, and the team from the raptor comic series (minus Malcolm) upon arriving on Nublar, venture into a canyon only to encounter a Rex feeding on a downed dinosaur. The group remains motionless until the tyrannosaur loses interest. After which, they attempt to flee, but inadvertently re-grab the T. rex’s attention. They hide behind a large tree, and remain motionless until the dinosaur once again, loses interest.

  • The dinosaur is colored similar to the Kenner toy released at the time.
  • The dinosaur is in a very retro design, being in a tripod pose, and having a set of three fingers on each hand.

Issue #3[]

The group trek through the jungles of Nublar company with two additional newcomers: Sonya Durant and Raul Lopes, only to be attacked by the tyrannosaur. The dinosaur lunges for Sonya and grabs her in its mouth, yet not fully biting down; allowing Grant enough time to shoot the dinosaur in the eye, saving Sonya‘s life. The dinosaur would shriek and pain and retreat into the jungle.

The dinosaur would later appear to pursue the group as they are rafting down the river. Stocking and eventually capsizing the boats in the water. An entourage of bullets from the group would repel the dinosaur out of the river.

The last we would hear or see of the dinosaur in this issue would be at roaring in victory somewhere off in the distance while the protagonists are held at gunpoint by the military.

  • The Rex makes no appearance in issue #2
  • The dinosaur is extremely durable, able to withstand several bullets, without receiving so much as a scratch, even a direct shot to the head doesn’t seem to kill it.
  • The dinosaur would also get its nickname “One Eye.”

Issue #4[]

During the night, One Eye patrols, the jungles around the military base camp. After the protagonist escape the compound, several soldiers chased after them only to run into the Rex, allowing the dinosaur a feast.

The next morning, the Rex comes back, hunting the group. They all scatter as the Rex chases Grant and Ellie, now with a personal vendetta against the scientists for partially blinding it. They only make it out alive because of their knowledge on how the animal’s vision is based on movement, plus the unstable terrain, causing the dinosaur to fall down a steep hill.

Issue #9[]

On the day, the Jurassic Park staff had decided to fire up the electric fences, rats had apparently managed to eat through the cables powering the lines to the Rex fences. The dinosaur would then break out and begin to hunt the park stegosaurus herd. Inadvertently, the Rex would also kill two park workers Muldoon has been tracking the dinosaur with before a brief confrontation that would lead in Muldoon breaking his arm, where the Rex would eventually be recaptured.

  • The rex on the cover, for the issue is a very dark green, rather than red with black spots as depicted in the comic.

Jurassic Park Prequel Duology[]

Pt 1:[]

A holographic-like image of a T. rex appears on one of the monitors in lab. Likewise, the first tyrannosaurus is born in this issue. While a major celebration from Hammond and the scientists commence at the success of a living dinosaur, Gennaro doesn’t see the appeal. Saying he wouldn’t even walk out of the men’s room to see it.


The subadult Rex charges the fences starling Nedry, briefly. Nedry soon brushes off the attack, commenting how he be willing to throw Hammond to the dinosaur as it’s next meal if he’s not paid more soon.

The Lost World Jurassic Park Comic Adaption (1997)[]

Issue #2[]

While hunting for the adult, Roland Tembo and Ajay Sidhu discover the Rex’s nest and captures the infant inside (which was feeding on a severed leg) to use it as bait for the adult Rexes. Later Roland has the baby staked to the ground when a drunk Peter Ludlow appears and rambles off such an animal could be used for his theme park, only to be scared by another unknown creature in the jungle, causing him to step on the baby’s leg. Breaking it.

Issue #3[]

Nick Van Own soon finds and frees the chained infant Tyrannosaurus and decides to bring it back to the trailer, so that he and Sarah Harding may try to fix its leg. However, the Rex parents arrive in search of their infant. Sarah returns the infant to its parents, but regardless they retaliate by attacking the double-trailer. The adults leave after forcing the rear trailer over a cliff with Malcolm, Nick, and Sarah trapped inside. Eddie attempts to help but is pulled apart and devoured by the rex parents.

Now, with no other choice, the gatherers join the rival Hunters, During the night, the camp is found by the Tyrannosaurus duo during the night. The female T. rex pursues the terrified hunters, biting down on the vet, stepping on Carter, and trapping the others behind a waterfall. Roland attempts to tranquilize the mail Rex to stop the chaos from furthering.

On the flight off the island, what’s left of the gatherer team see that Roland has seized the male Tyrannosaur Buck, which is being prepared for its journey to the mainland.

Issue #4[]

InGen invites all prestigious investors and reporters to the docks to witness the arrival of the T. rex. The ship approaches at extreme speed and crashes into the dock. Security guards board the ship and find out that the crew has perished. One guard opens the cargo door in an attempt to look for survivors. With Ian warning not to open the hold, the T. rex storms out of the cargo bay and heads into San Diego.

Ian and Sarah drive to the amphitheater and retrieve the infant which have been flown in separately, while the adult goes on a rampage in the city. Ian and Sarah lure the male Tyrannosaur with the infant and drive back to the docks to place the infant in the cargo hold of the ship. Peter enters the cargo hold alone in search of the infant. While he attempts to catch it, the infant's father returns. Ludlow attempts to run away, but the enraged parent bites him by the leg and places him back down. Then, it leaves the execution to the infant. Sarah prepares a tranquilizer dart and shoots the T. rex as Malcolm closes the cargo hold door, trapping the animals inside.

The next morning, the final scene shows the Tyrannosaurus couple nursing their infant, among several other dinosaurs.

  • Both parents are depicted as a straight green, rather than in the film where the female is a brown color, while the male is a dark green with black patterning.

Jurassic Park: Redemption & Devils in the Desert (2000’s)[]

Tyrannosaurus makes no physical appearance within the story itself, apart from a few flashback sequences demonstrating the Buck’s rampage on San Diego in the lost world.


The buck rex, as it appears in the flashback sequence of “Devils in the Desert.”

  • The redemption comics depict the Rex in a near identical appearance to the Giga which appears later in the story.
  • The one in “Devils in the Desert” is a pure puke green color.

Jurassic Park: Dangerous Games (2011)[]

Issue #2[]

Rexy has apparently made some kind of nest or den for herself in the time of human absence. Dwelling inside of a cave, surrounded by huge carcasses likely of the Brachiosaurus and whatever other dinosaurs she may have eaten. Dr. White brings Espinoza to Rexy’s lair to determine his worth.

Issue #5[]

Once defeated by Espinoza, Dr. White drags the comics main antagonist Kazares to the Rex layer, where he is eaten.

  • The story seems to recon the idea that the Tyrannosaurus’s vision is based on movement, but rather it attacks on whether it decides to let live or not.