Arrival of ARK's Giga in the JP/JW Verse....
It was a peaceful day, herds of Brachiosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Corythosaurus and Pachycephalosaurus were grazing. Asset 87 the Spinosaurus had just scared off a rival Spino, Rexy was patrolling her territory, Velociraptors were running about and one or two Mamenchisauruses were walking through the forest alongside the smaller but still big Apatosaurus while tiny Compies scurried about. Suddenly, ARK's Giga arrived mysteriously. It stepped onto the shores and roared. ARK's Giga wandered around. The Spino was swimming around when ARK's Giga spotted its sail and charged. The Spino was surprised and bit and clawed at its opponent's legs but it had barely any ef…
My own Jurassic Park! (inspired by CrashBash)
Note: This was heavily inspired by User:CrashBash!
- 1 Majestic Giants Valley (Theme: Forested Plains)
- 2 T.rex Kingdom (Theme: Open Forest)
- 3 Ancient Ocean Lagoon (Theme: Coral Reef)
- 4 River Cruise (Theme: Jungle River)
- 5 Insect Greenhouse (Theme: Thick Jungle Wetland)
One of the main attractions of the park, this extremely large enclosure houses many large herbivores! You can take a jeep tour to see the majestic Parasaurolophus, the towering Brachiosaurus, and the armored Triceratops up close! Plus, you can buy ferns and conifers to feed some of the herbivores we have here! Ask the guide what kinds of plants different dinosaurs like to eat!
- Triceratops x10+
- Parasaurolophus x10+
- Brachiosaurus x10+
- Apatosaurus x10+
- Ankylosaurus x3
- Pachycephalosaurus x7
- Ste…
main confirm pet supplies
- 1 Note: this blog is not meant to be read, its a test
- 2 Leopard Gecko
- 3 Amazon Tank (1 Tiger Pleco, 1 Bristlenose Pleco, 6 Neon Tetras, 5 Cory Catfish, 1-5 Mystery Snails)
- 4 Plaudarium (1 Long-Tailed Lizard,
- 5 beep
- 6 African Giant Millipede
The Actual Leopard Gecko
35 Gallon Enclosure
Other Hide
Sphagnum Moss
Backup Multivitamin Powder
Main Multivitamin Powder
Calcium Supplement(mix with Multivitamin Powder)
Calcium Supplement(do not mix with anything)
Kitchen Scale (for weighing gecko)
Temp and Humidity Checker
Live Crickets 50 Count
Cricket Food
Feeder Insect Cage x2
A pair of water dishes
Plant 1
Plant 2
Water Conditioner
Feeding Tongs
Estimated Cost(not counting animal): 570.71
pH: 7.0
Temp: 79F
The Actual Tiger Pleco Option 1
The Actual Tiger P…