Jurassic Park Wiki

Cdshaggy24 Cdshaggy24 17 August 2014

The 15 species

Thanks to help from  The Cold Storage Room page and John Alfred Hammond CEO I now know all of the 15 species that they cloned in the film cannon. In Jurassic Park the game there are 9 species of dinosaurs on the first island. So the remainder of the species are on the second island.

Species in Jurassic Park The Game Map:

  1. Dilophosaurus
  2. Tyrannosaurus rex
  3. Velociraptor
  4. Herrerasaurus (possibly a replacement for Baryonyx)
  5. Compsognathus (possibly a replacement for Segisaurus)
  6. Brachiosaurus
  7. Triceratops
  8. Gallimimus
  9. Parasaurolophus

Species not on the first island/the rest of the cloned species:

  1. Mamenchisaurus
  2. Pachycephalosaurus (possibly a replacement for Proceratosaurus)
  3. Stegasaurus
  4. Ankylosaurus
  5. Ceratosaurus (possibly a replacement for Metriacanthosaurus)
  6. Corythosau…
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