Well, it's pretty much a fact that Jurassic World 2 will be coming out soon. It will be coming out sometime in 2018 (that seems to be really the year for monster movies, with Godzilla 2 and maybe Pacific Rim 2 since it got delayed).
But, the question is, what do you think the film will be about? And by that I mean what should the plot be? The situation and the conflict. I kind of had an idea that I feel the film should be actually about everyone's worst fears finally becoming reality: the dinosaurs get off the island and start taking over the world. It would be a good way to take the series to the next level. Jurassic Park 2: Lost World set the ground work for such an event. Imagine more T-Rex ripping apart San Diego and Apatosaurus stomping through city streets. It would be a really great sequel.
But, we won't know what the film will be about until it gets closer to release date.
What do you think Jurassic World 2 should be about?