Hello, fellow JP Wikians. I will present a fun challenge for all of you today.
It is the... Jurassic World: Evolution First Name and Surname Challenge!
Here’s my take on this chart.
- (B) Stego - (K) Ceratops = Stegoceratops
- (O) Carno - (D) Raptor = Carnoraptor
- (U) Deinony - (G) Titan = Deinonytitan
- (E) Draco - (X) Moloch = Dracomoloch
- (H) Alberto - (A) Phaeus = Albertophaeus
- (S) Allo - (E) Dromeus = Allodromeus
- (N) Spino - (Q) Venator = Spinovenator
- (J) Chungking - (S) Olophus = Chungkingolophus
- (Z) Kentro - (Y) Pelta = Kentropelta
- (X) Diplo - (B) Spinax = Diplospinax
- (Y) Sucho - (M) Don = Suchodon
- (Q) Ourano - (C) Mimus = Ouranomimus
- (P) Troo - (H) Govia = Troogovia
- (K) Giganoto - (W) Nitrus = Giganotonitrus
- (I) Tri - (T) Sinops = Trisinops
- (M) Brachio - (P) Noughtus = Brachionoughtus
- (V) Iguano - (I) Saurus = Iguanosaurus
- (R) Carcharodonto - (R) Mercus = Carcharodontomercus
- (N) Spino - (L) Lodocus = Spinolodocus
- (A) Veloci - (O) Rex = Velocirex
- (C) Majunga - (Z) Canthus = Majungacanthus
- (T) Acrocantho - (N) Cephalus = Acrocanthocephalus
- (F) Bary - (J) Setia = Barysetia
- (L) Tyranno - (U) Saura = Tyrannosaura
- (D) Ankylo - (F) Taurus = Ankylotaurus
- (G) Dilopho - (V) Aumus = Dilophoaumus
Well that was my complete take on the chart, coming up with some bizzare names in the process. What are your suggestion? Leave your comments down below, and have a good day.