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Being one of the franchise icons, the velociraptors have appeared in nearly every comic that has been produced under the Jurassic Park license in a significant role. Most notably of the comics, were those created by Topps comics and IDW.and with such diversity in their inclusion over the franchise, they have held numerous appearances from green and scaly, to brown and muscular, to (of the most recently) feathered.

Jurassic Park (1993) Comic adaption[]

Being the first of Topps Jurassic Park comics, the original set of four was merely a comic adaption of the continuity draft of the actual film written by David Koepp. The velociraptors would actually make an appearance in the first issue where one would attack and pull in a worker to the shipping crate it was being transported in, while being fired upon by workmen. Our first full view of a raptor is from Alan Grant’s story about the ferocity of the animals in order to scare a boy, one with red eyes, would be shown in an orange jungle setting will be shown attacking the boy.

The velociraptors will not physically appear again until issue four where a pair of the animals would attack and presumably kill Robert Muldoon while Ellie runs to the shed. A third animal would be waiting in the shed for her although no evidence of it killing John Arnold has been found.

The three Raptors eventually make their way to the visitor center, where two of which would prowl and hunt Tim and Lex, only for one to be caught in the freezer, while the other one bangs its head into a coma momentarily. The raptor would then chase, Alan, Ellie, and the kids to the control room, where it would bust through the glass and attempt to pounce at them through the ventilation shaft. The remaining 2 Raptors would circle before human characters before the tyrannosaurus would come in and bite down on one of the Raptors, and stomp on the other.

  • The velociraptors are a bluish green rather than brown and tan like in the film.
  • The velociraptor in the flashback has red eyes while the live animals in the park, have yellowish orange with green dots in them.
  • Their blood is noticeably green rather than red (likely due for PG reasons, or to hint at their more unnatural nature).

Jurassic Park: “Raptor” (1993-94)[]

This storyline would go under various names, “Raptor”, “Raptor Highjack”, etc.

Issue #1[]

Several days after the incident at Jurassic Park, Alan Grant, and Ellie Sattler our brought back to Isla Nublar as animal consultants as the military tries to find and round up the remaining dinosaurs. After a successful capture of the tyrannosaur, there is a discussion as to whether there are still Raptors remaining out in the park. The military believed that all animals were killed while Grant and Ellie believes that they perhaps have a nest hidden off somewhere.

A poacher by the name of George Lawalla, follows the two into a cave, where a mother raptor and five chicks have nestled. The mother attacked the three humans and put a particular pursuit on Lawalla, of whom kills the mother and steals the infants along with a kidnapped, Alan Grant, and Ellie Sattler.

  • It is unknown if the mother raptor is one of (if any) of the three raptors seen in the first film.
  • Similar to the ones in the movie comic adaption these raptors seem to be green, although these ones seem to have a brown undertone as well as pink eyes.

Issue #2[]

The five animals have grown astonishingly quickly, reaching full size almost instantly within the time between Nublar, and transport to Columbia. The animals would try picking the lock with their claws before Lawalla would spray them with some kind of sleep gas. After being transported onto a plane and waking up from the gas, they would pick the lock and freeze themselves attempting to attack Grant and Ellie before attacking Lawalla and the pilot, both of them would be killed along with two of the five raptors.

One animal would be injured, but kept alive thanks to Ellie having compassion for the creature and banding its neck.

  • The Raptors sudden growth is an obvious break in continuity for the sake of plot.
  • The Raptors attempt to break the lock keeping them caged up and attempt to do the same to attack and eat Ellie and Grant.

Issue #3[]

The drug lord, Rafael Santos captures Grant and Ellie as well as the Raptors, and have them contained on his private estate. Rafael threatens to throw the two scientists as the next meal for the Raptors, unless they help him train them.

in this comic, we get a rare look into the mindset of the actual dinosaurs, case in point the raptor Ellie had treated. Of whom allows Ellie to clean its wound. Later, we see that the Raptors are being trying to attack scarecrows and later on, actual human beings (Alan and Ellie‘s attempted rescue party) leaving none alive.

  • Rafael was the buyer of the Raptors that Lawalla was hired for.
  • All three animals have been fitted with electric shock collars And we’re being housed in a glass dome.
  • It is likely here the idea for trainable raptors as seen in Jurassic World first started

Issue #4[]

Alan and Ellie attempt to escape Rafael, only to be tracked and hunted by the Raptors. The pair are caught, but not killed by the Raptors as Rafael wanted to make an example. Later, Celia is reintroduced to the other Raptors. After failing to comply with Rafael’s demands she is locked up while Alf and Betty are sent on a mission to attack a crowd of people in the middle of a Costa Rican town.

A fallen power line somehow disables the electrical shock collars on Alf and Betty. Now free, they turn on the captors and attack them, freeing Celia as well. Alf and Betty attempt to kill Grant and Ellie however Celia stops them in their tracks. Rafael attempts to shock the animals however, the shocks prove weak for them, and Rafael is ultimately killed by his own “attack dogs.”

  • It’s here we get the names of the Raptors: Alf (Alpha), Betty (Beta), & Celia
  • Celia is notably more docile and even intelligent and empathetic than her siblings being able to understand that she is about to get shocked and even braces for it and sparing the doctors nearing the end of the issue.
  • Beta would eventually be the name given to Blue’s offspring in Dominion. whether a direct reference or not is up for debate.

Issue #5[]

The three raptors hunt and kill a Jaguar, while Grant and Ellie, joined by Ian Malcolm and Robert Muldoon, trek into the jungle after them. Meanwhile the raptors begin to contract symptoms of an unknown illness. Native tribes attempt to kill the three raptors before the dinosaurs establish them as capable hunters and are then worshiped by the savage people.

  • While likely never being taught to hunt, the raptors’ instincts seem to help them survive.
  • Muldoon notes of six raptors rather than five.
  • savage mayan-esque people in the modern age worship them by giving them idols and dead animals

Issue #6[]

The three Raptors find a cave to shelter in. Once more, we get a rare glimpse into their minds and how when they were young, they envisioned giant hairless monkeys putting them in small cages as well as how they begin to realize that they are the only ones that they’re kind (at least in the area). Before a native makes a failed attempt to try and communicate with them. They leave not trusting the situation.

The three raptors soon find Grant, Ellie, Malcolm, and Muldoon fighting the native people. The Raptors, attempting to get a piece of the action, attempt to attack as well. But Grant shoots and kills Betty, prompting them to flee into the jungle, cutting the bridge they used to get across.

  • The Raptors in this series are intelligent enough to educate their offspring about dangers of specific people. (Even making basic hand gestures and understanding sign language.)

Issue #7[]

Celia and Alf, now the only Raptors left, move through the jungle only to be encountered by a gorilla brought to the Colombian jungles by an animal researcher: Dr. Belvedere. The two dinosaurs begin a courting ritual as they are observed by the scientist.

later, the two dinosaurs run into the gorilla once more, now with Ellie in its clutches. The raptors push the ape into falling down a steep cliff and Ellie uses this time to escape the animals and make it back to the group. The animal researcher finds the raptors from a helicopter and hand signs to the dinosaurs.

Issue #8[]

Amazingly the raptors begin to mimic and understand the human signs that Dr. Belvedere is signaling. Of whom, is revealed to be a hired scientist from Biosyn. By this point Celia is carrying eggs, Alf attempts to snap at the doctor but she outright smacks the dinosaur in the nose. Celia then begins to make a nest as Belvedere’s colleagues begin to take off. Before a second copter with a man named Jeremiah Fischer appears.

Issue #9[]

We open with a dream and which hundreds of Raptors overtake and kill two tyrannosaurus. Dr. Belvedere informs Fischer that they may be from a form of genetic memory. Fischer and some Biosyn lackeys build a concrete fence around the dinosaur’s nesting site. The doctor unknowingly, keeps them calm while Biosyn tries to keep them a secret.


Issue #10[]

Alf and Celia’s eggs hatch. Dr. Belvedere is ecstatic to research dinosaur parental behavior while Fischer only sees dollar signs. Alf begins to inspect the area nervous at the sudden lack of humans only to realize their captivity, desperately running all over the place to find an exit. The raptors begin digging their way out of their cage and pops out of the ground just in time to inadvertently save Ellie and Malcolm who were investigating the area from a group of Biosyn operatives, killing both Fischer and Dr. Belvedere.

Once the babies emerge from the hole the raptors decidedly leave into the jungle where they are left in peace.

The Lost World Jurassic Park 1997 (Comic Adaption)[]

Appearing in the 4th and final issue of the series. Like the film, a pack of raptors tear through what remains of Peter Ludlow’s hunting party. Here we actually see Ajay Sidhu’s death, on that he chose a quiet dignified death rather than one of screaming and panic.

Later, Malcolm, Sarah, Kelly, and Nick find what remains of Ajay’s backpack. And, quickly run across the field while trying to avoid the dinosaurs before plummeting into a boneyard of dinosaur carcasses just outside the worker village. However, a raptor appears from nowhere and attacks Sarah, ripping her lucky pack to shreds. Sarah leaps onto a building trailed by the dinosaur only to be met with another. However, the raptor slips and falls into its pack-mate, allowing Sarah a distraction to escape, loosing her grip and falling through the roof of the rotting building; escaping with the other survivors.

  • The raptors in these comics while still being green are their most screen accurate (now adorning stripes)

IDW Era[]

Topps would eventually loose the license to make Jurassic Park comics. Instead IDW would take this place in the 14 year gap between Jurassic Park 3 & Jurassic World. Producing several comic stories, each with ranging arts styles.

Jurassic Park Redemption (2010)[]

In 2006, Tim Murphy, who’s planning a new Jurassic Park, asks his private benefactor whether they’ve been planning to exhibit velociraptors in his park. This worry is quickly turned down. However, Lex still uses an image of the raptors (presumably the ones from the Ingen Incident) to demonstrate the dangers of dinosaurs running loose on the mainland.

The raptors make a sudden and unexplained appearance nearing the end of the 5th issue, presumably being cloned by Ludlow and Wu behind Tim’s back. These raptor hunt and kill a stock of local cattle. Before later deciding to attack the town, with one being impaled on the horn of a trike. Robert Bakker is attacked by a second raptor who pounces onto the man after he calls out for Dr. Sattler. Bakker survives this encounter however.

Out of nowhere, the raptors appear and swarm the Giganotosaurus running rampant at the power plant. The blood loss from the giga lures the mosasaurus to appear and kill the dinosaur with the raptors leaving the scene and into the wilds of Texas.

  • The cover art displays the raptors as having blue skin with red feathers, however the in-comic animals are simply a dark gray with little to no distinguishing features.
  • No knowledge of these dinosaur’s behavior, intelligence, or whereabouts are given by the story’s end.

Jurassic Park: Dangerous Games[]

Being the last of the comics and last story with the “park” aspect of the logo, this is also the last time we would get the raptors in comic form.

Issue #1[]

Daniel Espinoza is attacked by a hungry allosaurus and steal the dinosaur he had just downed, when pack of fully feathered raptors save Espinoza. A woman’s voice puts the dinosaurs at ease from attacking the unconscious man.

  • the raptors are shown to be Green and blue, with black striping and featherless pink heads. However the cover displays them as having large head crests.

Issue #2[]

Espinoza awakens with a baby velociraptor on his chest. The raptor’s alpha is a red headed woman named Dr. Francis White, an animal behaviorist who had been living on the island ever since she was physically assaulted by Peter Ludlow after a heated argument over how the dinosaurs should be treated. Resulting in Ludlow attempting to kill her and the raptors.

Elsewhere in the jungle, Tiburon and his men set a trap for Espinoza when White’s raptors find them. The men are killed except for Tiburon of whom finds and threatens to shoot Espinoza.

  • For some odd reason, in the flashback the raptors are portrayed as brown versions of the males from JP3 yet in the present they are smaller and feathered.
  • It is confusing where in the continuity White’s original raptors fit considering the 6 the big one killed.
  • There is an almost certain no connection between Belvedere, Sarah Harding, or her, dispute all being animal behaviorists.
  • this is the second time in the comics that a woman befriends and is working with velociraptors, this time in a much closer sense to Owen Grady.

Issue #4[]

Dr. White sends her raptors out to scare a herd of trikes in order to create a distraction for Espinoza to get the maintenance shed and deactivate the fence so that the guards couldn’t use them against the stampeding trikes. He also gets the park’s hotel, using the raptors as a means to get a set of helicopter keys before using them to kill the remaining henchmen.

  • the raptors make little to no appearance in issue #3
  • the raptors are willing and capable to taking orders from Espinoza dispute never seeing him before in their lives.

Issue #5[]

The velociraptors surround Dr. White as she sits atop a Throne made from the skeletons that once stood in the rotunda. One of the raptors is killed by the main antagonist Kazares, while Dr. White takes cover. Espinoza arrive on the scene and defeats the man. Dr. White then sends the villain to the jaws of the tyrannosaur. Where now her and the dinosaurs presumably live in peace.
