Wyatt was an Intern for Bright Minds. He didn't get along with the other interns very well. His presence in the Bright Minds program is said to be due to nepotism as his father is an executive for one of Masrani's companies. He attends Harvard and throughout the course of the novel acts as a minor antagonistic force towards the other interns.
The Evolution of Claire[]
His first interaction with Claire Dearing is on the dock before they get on the boat to Jurassic World. Once on the boat while Tanya Skye and Veronica "Ronnie" Torres are having a conversation about dying hair, he voices his opinion that men prefer natural colors. The other interns react poorly to this and he remains in conflict with them for the rest of their stay. When Claire and Justin Hendricks went to the Botanical Gardens they found him flirting with Amanda. It was here that he told them all of his phantom intern story but was dismissed as a conspiracy theorist by Justin upon which Wyatt insulted his mother losing all favor with Amanda.
While performing intern duties he would regularly complain about or do none of the work that was required of him such shoveling dinosaur excrement and observing eggs for Henry Wu. He would however act friendly around Simon Masrani trying to win his favor. In order to discover more about the phantom intern Claire interrogated Wyatt about it while secretly recording him. During this conversation he admitted to stealing a list of intern names from his dad's office which Claire blackmailed him into handing over.
Near the end of the book when Claire suspects him of stealing park property they break into his room revealing the chaotic state he keeps it in. Once it is discovered he was not behind the espionage on the park he attempts to drill more information out of Claire on the phantom intern but is told nothing.
Personality and traits[]
Wyatt is described as having a blonde buzz-cut so pale it might as well be white. His eyes and skin also possessed this pale tone but frequently went red when bested in an argument.